jiānghúyīshēngyǐjiǎnggùshì、 chākēdǎhǔnhuòshuǎhuāzhāoděngfāngfǎxīyǐngùkèdejiānghúmàiyàozhě A hawker of quack medicines who attracts customers with stories, jokes, or tricks.
cǐwài, yòuxiēshàngjídelǐngdǎorényuánháixǐhuānbǎijiàzǐ, shuǎwēifēng, zhǐshìjiàoxùnrén, pīpíngrén, érbùnéngxiàngxiàjíqǐngjiào, bùnéngtīngxiàjídepīpíng, bùnéngduìxiàjízuòzìwǒpīpíng。 Moreover, some leaders at higher levels like to put on airs and make a great show of their authority. They are wont to lecture and criticize people, and are unwilling to seek advice or listen to criticism from their subordinates or make any self-criticism in their presence.
háizǐmenzǒngshìzàiyǔshuǐlǐwánshuǎ 。 The boys always splash about in rainwater.
tāmenxiànzàiyǐjīngbùxiànggāngkāishǐjiànmiànnàhuì 'ér, zǒngshìchòngzheduìfāngluànjiào, huòzhězàiwánshuǎshídòngzuòcūbào。 " "It's not the chirping, rambunctious play that they did when they first arrived."
zhèxiēháizǐzuìzhōngdōunénggòuzàikuàngyězhōngwánshuǎ , bùzàishòujī 'è、 jíbìng、 yúmèiwúzhī、 sāorǎohénüèdàidezhémó、 wēixiéhéróulìn。 tāmenbùzàixūyàoqùzuònàxiēfùhèchāoyuètāmenyòuxiǎoniánlíngdechéngshòulìdegōngzuò。 The children must, at last, play in the open field, no longer tortured by the of pangs hunger or ravaged by disease or threatened with the scourge of ignorance, molestation and abuse, and no longer required to engage in deeds whose gravity exceeds the demands of their tender years.
shuǎyīnmóuguǐjìderénzhōngjiāngzìzuòzìshòu。 Plots recoil upon the plotters.
rúguǒbùtígāojǐngtì, ràngtāmenzhànjùlǐngdǎogǎngwèi, chóngxīnshuǎliǎngmiànpài, zhāgēnchuànlián, yǐnbìxiàlái, jíshǐshìshǎoshùrén, yěkěnénggěiwǒmendàiláiwúfǎyùliàodehuòhài。 And any who are already in leading posts must be removed without the slightest hesitation. They could do untold harm if, relaxing our vigilance, we allowed even a few to occupy leading posts, engage in further double-dealing, gang up with each other and conceal themselves in our ranks.
wèilehuòdélìyì 'érgùyìshuǎhuāzhāo。 deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage.
értóngzìrándeshèhuìxíngwéishìxīxì。 zàikāxìdechǎnghé, huānxiàoshuōmíngjiǎzhuāngdegōngjīxìngxíngwéijǐnjǐnshìwánshuǎ , érbùbìdàngzhēn。 tōngguòzhèzhǒngzhòngyàodetújìng, háizǐmenxíngchéngjījídeqínggǎnniǔdài, huòqǔliǎoxīndeshèjiāojìnéng, bìngqiězhǎngdàchéngrén。 Natural social behaviour in children is playful behaviour, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is just fun, not for real, and this is an important way in which children form positive emotional bonds, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood to adulthood.
kàndàozhèngfǔguānyuánzàinèigégǎizǔzhīqiánshuǎnònghuāzhāoyǐtǎodéshǒuxiànghuānxīnshìhěnyòuqùde。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
háizǐmenxǐhuānzàihuāngwúdeyuánzǐlǐxīnàowánshuǎ 。 The boys love romping about in the wild garden.
wǒyǐjīngbǎwǒdetóngshìdāngzuòyúrénjié 'èzuòjùdeduìxiàngshuǎliǎoyīfān。 I've made an April fool of my roommate.
záshuǎtígōngduōzhǒngduǎnxiǎojiémùdìwǔtáiyúlèyǎnchū, zhūrúhuájījiémù、 gēwǔjiémùyǐjímóshùbiǎoyǎn Stage entertainment offering a variety of short acts such as slapstick turns, song-and-dance routines, and juggling performances.
zàizhàngshàngshuǎhuāzhāoláiyǎnshìkuīkōng Paper over a deficit with accounting gimmicks.
91. měiguóxībùdebùmáozhīdìzhèngchéngwéiwánshuǎdedìfāng, duìyuèláiyuèduōyōngyòumótuōchēhuòyuèyědānchēlèichēliàngde, xǐhuānfàngzòngyúpápōbǐsàihuòkāipìxīndeshāmòtōngdàodexúnhuānzuòlèzhějùyòubùduànzēngzhǎngdexīyǐnlì。 91. Arid regions in the southwestern United States have become increasingly inviting playgrounds for the growing number of recreation seekers who own vehicles such as motorcycles or powered trail bikes and indulge in hill-climbing contests or in caving new trails in the desert.
cāochǎngyòngyúxiāoqiǎnhéwánshuǎdehùwàichǎngdì, yóuzhǐtígōng, rúqiāoqiāobǎnhéqiūqiānděngshèbèi An outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as seesaws and swings.
yīngjièbìyèshēngzǒngshì 'àizàixuéxiàodàshuǎhuāzhāo The graduate seniors always pull a lot of stunt at school
jiāngzìjǐzhàbiérénxiědeqīngdànjǐbǐ, quèjiāngbùxiānggāndeshìqíngxiědeyánzhòngwúbǐ, yīnguǒdàozhì, húchěshuǎlài, qíxié 'èyóucǐkějiàn。 The fact that the US has bombed someone else's embassy was downplayed, while the seriousness of irrelevant incidents was exaggerated. Their deliberate obfuscation of the issue and shameless spouting of nonsense show up their malevolence.
tāshìshuǎshérén。 He is a serpent charmer.
biéxiǎngduìwǒshuǎshénmehuāzhāo。 Do not pull any shenanigan on me!
piànzǐguànshuǎhuāzhāode、 bùchéngshíderén; piànzǐ A shifty, dishonest person; a trickster.
guǐzhàdeyòubùkěgàoréndedòngjīhuòmùdede; shuǎhuāzhāode Expressive of hidden motives or purposes; shifty.
wǒbùxièyúshuǎxīnjī I am above petty intrigue.
nǐdeháizǐzàizìjǐdeqiányuànwánshuǎ , érnǐdegébìlínjūquènázheshàngliǎozǐdàndelièqiāngzàitāzìjǐdeqiányuànlǐxúnluó。 Your next door neighbor begins to patrol his front yard with a loaded shotgun while your children are at play in your own front yard.
tāyīxiàngzǒngshìnéngjiǎohuádìbǎituōrènhékùnnán, wǒmenbùzhīdàotāzhèhuíyòuyàoshuǎshénmehuāzhāo。 He's always been able to shuffle out of any difficulty. We don't know how he will do this time.
hǎojǐgèrénzhànzàichǎngwài, wéizhèngzàiyǎnchūdegèlèizáshuǎzhāoláiguānzhòng。 Several men stood outside the ground, touting for the various sideshows.
yīzhǒngyóudòngdebiǎoyǎn; jùyòuzáshuǎhéqíchēhéjìnéngyóuxì。 a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc..
zàishāngpǐnjiāoyìhuì、 kuánghuānjiésuǒzàidìtígōngzáshuǎbiǎoyǎnhélèisìdeyúlèhuódòngdedìfāng。 the place at a fair or carnival where sideshows and similar amusements are located.
yúlèchǎng, yóulèchǎngzàishāngpǐnjiāoyìhuì、 kuánghuānjié、 mǎxìtuánhuòzhǎnlǎnhuìsuǒzàidìtígōngzáshuǎbiǎoyǎnhéqítāyúlèhuódòngdedìfāng The area of a fair, a carnival, a circus, or an exposition where sideshows and other amusements are located.
xīdēngjiéshùyǐdēngguāngxīmiè 'érjiéshùdeyīchánghuájīzáshuǎduǎnjù A short, comic vaudeville skit that ends with lights off.
móshù, biànxìfǎyòngláiyúlèdeshǒushuǎhuāzhāohuòzhěxìfǎ The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring for entertainment.
tāmenshuǎzhèngzhìhuāzhāoqīpiànxuǎnmín。 They deceive the voters with a piece of political sleight of hand.