  • here
  • how
  • why
  • where
  • thereupon, then
  • how? why? where?
  1.   [谚]不能自爱, 能爱人。   He that is ill to himself will be good to nobody.
  2.   [谚]大损失中总还有些小利益; 塞翁失马, 知非福。   No great loss without some small gain.
  3.   不入虎穴, 焉得虎子。   Nothing venture, nothing win.
  4.   不入虎穴, 焉得虎子。   Nothing venture, nothing gain.
  5.   不入虎穴, 焉得虎子。   Nothing venture, nothing have.
  6. adj.  不注意的, 不留心的, 不谨慎的, 心不在的   heedless
  7. adj.  他心不在焉地回答我.   He answered me in a rather preoccupied manner
  8. v.  匆匆读或心不在地浏览(某篇文字)   quickly and without concentrating
  9.   塞翁失马,焉知非福   Misfortune may be an actual blessing.
  10.   工作时看表,心不在地工作   watch the clock
  11. vi.  心不在, 胡思乱想, 空想, 幻想, 出神, 发愣   woolgather
  12. adv.  心不在焉地, 茫然地   absently
  13. adv.  心不在地微笑、 打个手势.   smile, gesture vaguely
  14. adj.  心不在的, 心不在的, 不专心的   distrait
  15. adj.  心不在的, 朦胧的, 爱空想的, 令人喜爱的, 理想的, 顶呱呱的, 梦幻般的, 模糊的, 恍惚的, 悦耳的, 轻柔的, 多梦的, 不实际的, 空想的, 如梦的, 安详而美丽的, 漂亮的, 顶好的, 空幻的, 梦想的, 多梦的   dreamy
  16. adj.  心不在的, 茫然的, 恍惚的   absentminded
  1. 胡乱画,涂鸦尤指在精神集中在其它事情时,心不在地乱涂
    To scribble aimlessly, especially when preoccupied.
  2. 茫然的眼神;心不在的教授;过度活跃但又不能集中思想的心不在的特性。
    an absent stare; an absentminded professer; the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence.
  3. 心不在焉;恍惚
    A state of abstraction; a trance.
  4. 他极度心不在,以至于两天没吃东西。
    His abstraction was so deep that he did not eat for two days.
  5. 她脸上带着一种心不在的神态。
    There is an air of abstraction in her face.
  6. 告诉他切不可心不在
    Tell him never be absentminded.
  7. 他心不在地读着那封信。
    he read the letter absently.
  8. 她露出一幅心不在的表情。
    There's an absent expression on her face.
  9. 梦似的心境或性情;心不在
    Dreamy in mood or nature; absent-minded.
  10. 他表现出心不在的样子。
    He had an absent-minded manner.
  11. 你真是心不在焉!
    You is really absent minded.
  12. 你真是心不在焉!
    You are really absent - minded.
  13. 你真是心不在焉!
    You is really absent-minded.
  14. 一些教授总是心不在的。
    Some professors are absent-minded.
  15. 她看起来心不在焉。
    She had an absent look on her face.
  16. 当时他心不在焉。
    He was absence in his mind then.
  17. 我心不在惹恼了他。
    My absence of mind irritated him.
  18. 看过好多中国人写冼星海生平的书,有关新加坡的部分同样是语不详。
    Similarly, books penned by Chinese on the life of Xian that I have come across are vague on this.
  19. 我们班有些同学心不在,就连最简单的问题,他们也答不上来。
    Some of the kids in my class are out to lunch. They can't even answer the simplest questions.
  20. 不入虎穴,得虎子。
    Nothing brave, nothing have.
  21. 不入虎穴,得虎子。
    If you venture nothing, you will have nothing.
  22. 夫大国难测也,惧有伏
    It is difficult to fathom the moves of a great state, and I feared an ambush.
  23. 当时有的干部对执行这一任务有顾虑,伯承对他们说,这个行动可以把敌人吸引到我们身上来,减轻兄弟野战军的压力。釜底抽薪,能惧怕烫手,即使作出牺牲,也义无反顾。
    Some cadres hesitated before this prospect, but Bocheng explained the situation to them. "If we do this," he said, "we can draw the enemy to ourselves and make it easier for the other field armies. How can you take hot embers out from under a pot if you are afraid of burning your fingers? Even if we have to make sacrifices, we should not begrudge them."
  24. 塞翁失马,知非福。
    Nothing so bad but might be a blessing.
  25. 她的众所周知的迟到;公认的心不在的教授;公认的金发碧眼的女人。
    her proverbial lateness; the proverbial absentiminded professor; your proverbial dizzy blonde.
  26. 教授心不在地沿途瞎遛.
    The professor bumbled absent-mindedly along the road.
  27. “塞翁失马,知非福”国民党失败了,如能认真检讨,决心改过,未来仍有再起的机会。
    Misfortune may prove to be a blessing in disguise, as the saying goes. Should the defeated KMT be able to earnestly examine how it failed and correct its mistakes and errors, there can still be chances for it to stage a comeback someday.
  28. 过分关注某事的;心不在
    Excessively concerned with something; distracted.
  29. 一方面——参加革命的可能性,又一方面——对革命敌人的妥协性,这就是中国资产阶级“一身而二任”的两面性。
    Possible participation in the revolution on the one hand and proneness to conciliation with the enemies of the revolution on the other--such is the dual character of the Chinese bourgeoisie, it faces both ways.
  30. 贺电;通常表示祝贺的人明显都是心不在的;贺词。
    a congratulatory telegram; the usual congratulatory crowd was conspicuously absent; a gratulatory address.
  31. 根本心不在焉
    lend a very distracted attention
  32. 如果面试中的他反应迟钝,心不在,固执武断,你可以想像每周一到周五工作中的他会是一副什么样子。
    Because if that person is dull,distracted or dogmatic in an interview,guess what they're going to be like Monday through Friday?