  • flexible
  • gentle
  • mild
  • Soft
  • supple
  • yielding
  • pliant
  • soften
  1. v.  &n.鸣, 颤声, 鸟鸣, 用和的颤声唱   warble
  2.   (道、空手道、拳术等)(东方)武术   martial art
  3. n.  1.弱的人2.笨人, 软心肠的人, 弱的人, 懦夫, 轻信者, 笨人   softie
  4.   [俚]弱的男子; 女子气的男人   collar and cuff
  5.   [美军俚]柔软体操   monkey drill
  6. adv.  limpness, 软地, 四肢无力地, 无生气的   limply
  7.   【音】始终柔和地   sempre piano
  8. n.  一种白色软的干酪, 咸味干乳酪, 法国布里白乳酪   brie
  9. n.  一部浪漫小说中无病呻吟的懦情调.   the sickly sentimentality of a romantic novel
  10. n.  一阵轻起伏的笑声、 说话声、 掌声.   a ripple of laughter, voices, applause
  11. n.  下不了决心, 拿不定主意, 优寡断, 犹豫不决, 缺乏决心, 踌躇   indecision
  12. adj.  不像女性的, 不适合女性的, 不象女性的, 不温的, 不适于妇女的, 不似女流的   unfeminine
  13. adj.  不服从的, 不顺从的, 不顺的, 坚强不屈的   unsubmissive
  14. adj.  丛毛状的, 毛状的, 覆以绒毛的, 羊毛状的, 含有毛的, 丛毛的, 絮凝的, 絮结的, 似羊毛的   flocculent
  15. n.  丝状, 丝般, 柔软   silkiness
  16. adj.  乔安娜性格温而腼腆.   Joanna had a gentle retiring disposition
  1. 在一九九七年的各项亚洲锦标赛中,本港选手在羽毛球、篮球、健身、保龄球、单车、马术、剑击、道、划艇、壁球、乒乓球、三项铁人赛和滑浪风帆等项目共赢得9面金牌、11面银牌和13面铜牌。
    Hong Kong athletes in badminton, basketball, bodybuilding, bowling, cycling, equestrian, fencing, judo, rowing, squash, table tennis, triathlon and windsurfing won a total of nine gold, 11 silver and 13 bronze medals at their respective Asian Championships in 1997.
  2. 世间有各式各样的美,温的美,文雅的美,雄壮的美,庄严的美,奇怪的美,峥嵘的美,纯然的力量的美,以及古色古香的美。
    There are so many kinds of beauty, beauty of tenderness, of gracefulness, of majesty, of austerity, of quaintness, of ruggedness, of sheer strength, and of a suggestion of the antique.
  3. 欧洲南部和北非干燥的丛林中的一种小灌木;栽培供欣赏其美丽的花和软、芬芳、长有绒毛的常绿叶。
    small shrubs of scrub and dry woodland regions of southern Europe and North Africa; grown for their showy flowers and soft often downy and aromatic evergreen foliage.
  4. 友谊,是我痛苦灵魂的温的安慰者。你向暴风祈求平静,你把安定还给我的心;那热血沸腾青春的偶像-我最珍贵的自由,你为我细心保存。
    Friendship is a soft consolatory person on my miserable spirit.You pray quietness to storm and turn it back to me . That youth idol burning with righteous indingnation-my precious freedom,your friendship keeps it for me carefully.
  5. 非常轻地演奏的乐段非常轻或安静地演奏的作品部分
    A part of a composition played very softly or quietly.
  6. 他在那儿教授英文,精修武技,赢得了合气道、空手道、道和剑道的黑带。
    There,he taught English and perfected his martial arts,earning black belts in Aikido,karate,judo,and kendo.
  7. 美国西部长在沙质林地或溪岸上的一种灌木,羽状叶、生满灰白色毛,总状花序、花颜色深暗;有些人认为这种植物指示铅矿的存在。
    shrub of sandy woodlands and stream banks of western United States having hoary pinnate flowers and dull-colored racemose flowers; thought to indicate the presence of lead ore.
  8. :成功之路,从头开始。
    Rejoice:start ahead.
  9. 就在爱伦犹豫不决的时侯,楼上传来了温、凄婉、肯切的小提琴声。音乐家和他的琴声在召唤她;
    And while she hesitated, from the room above came the soft, racking, petitionary music of a violin.
  10. 和的明亮或者放光。
    softly bright or radiant.
  11. 的性情友好亲切的;脾气好的,可爱的
    Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable.
  12. 使愉快或柔和;抚慰
    To make agreeable or gentle; mollify.
  13. 莱佛士来之前,新加坡属于佛王朝,这难道不是新加坡历史的一部分吗?
    Before Raffles came to Singapore, we belonged to the Johor Sultanate. Is this not part of our early history?
  14. 慌乱,紧张;兴奋优寡断的焦虑状态
    A state of indecisive agitation.
  15. 胀大了的酒囊;删除臃肿的存货单的必要;葡萄干浸泡后变得圆胖、软、胀大;吸饱了血后肿胀的大蚊子。
    distended wineskins; the need to clean out swollen inventories; the raisins were plump and soft and swollen from being soaked; huge blood-swollen mosquitoes.
  16. 击剑运动员要求有平衡、协调,注意力集中,思想和反应速度快,灵活性和韧性等素质。
    Fencing requires balance, coordination, concentration, speed of thought and reaction, agility and flexibility.
  17. 它要求有速度,有力量,协调(平衡),耐久力,灵敏性,韧性,协同配合和良好的步法等。
    It requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, flexibity, coordination and good footwork.
  18. 它要求有速度、有力量、协调(平衡)、耐久力、灵敏性、韧性、协同配合的良好的步法等。
    It requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, felicity, coordination and good footwork.
  19. 它需要速度、协调(平衡)、耐力、灵敏、韧、协作良好的步法。
    It requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork.
  20. 羽毛球要求速度、协调、耐力、灵敏、韧、协作以及良好的步法。
    Badminton requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination, and good footwork.
  21. 我还建议采用伸展和放松练习。这可以发展韧和灵敏素质。
    I also recommend stretching and loosening up which will help to develop flexibility and agility.
  22. 除要求力量外,摔跤运动员还要具备速度、耐力、灵活、韧和协调等素质。
    Besides strength, a wrestler also requires speed, agility, flexibility and coordination.
  23. 獴任一种獴属及相关种属的东半球食肉哺乳动物,有一软而灵活的躯体和长尾巴,善于捕食毒蛇
    Any of various Old World carnivorous mammals of the genus Herpestes and related genera, having a slender agile body and a long tail and noted for the ability to seize and kill venomous snakes.
  24. 行动灵便的在运动中轻或灵活的
    Limber or agile in movement.
  25. 广泛分布的海龟,甲壳象韧的皮革;最大的活龟。
    wide ranging marine turtle with flexible leathery carapace; largest living turtle.
  26. 黄色系在不同工业中从和的黄粉色到灰黄色的色彩
    A color ranging in various industries from moderate yellowish pink to grayish yellow.
  27. 菖蒲一种主要生长于热带亚洲地区的省藤根茎属攀爬棕榈,具有强硬、韧的用以制成藤条的茎
    Any of various chiefly tropical Asian climbing palms of the genus Calamus, having strong, flexible stems used as a source of rattan.
  28. 印花薄织物由羊毛、棉花或人造纤维做成的一种轻便软的通常印花的织物
    A soft, lightweight, usually printed fabric made of wool, cotton, or rayon.
  29. 起绒织物一种软、起短绒并有斜纹波浪的织物,用羊毛、棉、人造纤维或丝制成
    A soft, short-napped fabric with a twill weave, made of wool, cotton, rayon, or silk.
  30. 丝绒一种软的织物,如丝绸、人造丝或尼龙,具有光滑、浓密的绒毛以及平整的底面
    A soft fabric, such as silk, rayon, or nylon, having a smooth, dense pile and a plain underside.
  31. 不过,伊丽莎白的为人一贯温乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他这样着迷过。
    but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her.
  32. 花剑是这三种中最轻的一种,剑身为具有性的矩形。
    The foil is the lightest of the three with a flexible rectangular blade.