  • Knock
  • percuss
  • strike
  • strike, beat, pound, hammer
  • rap
  • extort
  • strike
  • knock (at a door)
  • hit
  1. vi.  &n.手鼓, 敲小鼓   tabor
  2.   (把...对准位置)紧, 钉牢   hammer onto
  3.   (把...对准位置)紧, 钉牢   hammer on
  4.   (把钉子等)进去, 钉到头; 彻底驳倒   knock home
  5.   [俚]竹杠场所(指酒吧间, 商店, 夜总会等)   clip joint
  6.   [口]猛击; 连续打击; 严厉抨击; 不停地打(琴键等)   whale away
  7.   [美俚]接受贿赂; 诈, 伺机损人利已   on the take
  8.   [美俚]竹杠的商店; 骗赌客的赌场   gyp joint
  9. n.  一杯咖啡要 80 便士? 真是竹杠!   0p for a cup of coffee? What a rip-off
  10. n.  一种以槌金属弦而发出声音的乐器, 洋琴, 洋琴   dulcimer
  11. adj.  上等的, 精选的, 精选的(食物), 小心选择的, 仔细推的, 挑三拣四的, 可选的, 宠爱的, 爱惜的   choice
  12. vt.  丢弃, 废弃, 使成碎片, 扔弃, 碎, 拆毁   scrap
  13. n.  临时的便床, 摇落, 镇静, 临时铺的地铺, 诈, 勒索, 整备, 搜索, 试飞, 试航, 练习, 临时的简便床铺, 临时寄宿, 摇匀   shakedown
  14. n.  乞丐, 诈者, 闲逛者, 鬼头鬼脑的人   moocher
  15. vi.  乱弹,轻敲   thrum
  16. n.  人工碎, 手选(富矿), 锤击选矿, [   cobbing
  1. 警报在钟上出的警告信号
    An alarm sounded on a bell.
  2. 这给我们起了警钟。
    This sounded the alarm for us.
  3. 他常常敲起警钟。
    He often rings an alarm.
  4. 如果不是开放,我们生产汽车还会像过去一样用锤子打打,现在大不相同了,这是质的变化。
    If we hadn't opened up, we would still be hammering out automobile parts the way we did in the past. Now things are vastly different; It is a qualitative change.
  5. 据称他为推这些新词观看了大量的动作片、肥皂剧和智力测验节目,真是工作娱乐两不误。
    He says his job also gives him an excuse to watch a lot of action films, soap operas and quiz shows, to look for more new terms.
  6. 她那为人不正直的丈夫帮她出谋划策,想出了一些盗窃和诈的旁门左道的办法。
    Her devious husband, aiding and abetting her, thought out new variations on the theme of burglary and blackmailing.
  7. 收集或分配贿赂的诈者。
    a racketeer assigned to collect or distribute payoff money.
  8. 诈勒索者为诈而收钱的人
    A person who collects money, as for racketeers.
  9. 警方积极采取多项行动,打击由三合会控制的娱乐场所、卖淫活动、诈装修费用、"收数"、高利贷及其他有关的活动。
    Operations were mounted against triad involvement in public entertainment, prostitution, decoration-racketeering, debt-collection, loan-sharking and other associated activities.
  10. 他愤怒地着他的额头。
    And he struck his forehead with rage.
  11. 天下着大雨,雨水打着窗户,我怕极了。
    It rained heavily, the rain beat against the windows, and I was frightened very much.
  12. 钟人鸣钟送走旧岁,接着又鸣钟迎来新年。
    The ringers rang out the old year before ringing in the new.
  13. 通过支付诈而被赎回。
    reclaimed by payment of a ransom.
  14. 门囗有人敲门。
    There was a rap at the door.
  15. 击声在坚硬的表面上的急促击的声音;击声
    The sound of a sharp tap on a hard surface; a rap.
  16. 他做数学题遇到困难时往往要书桌。
    He will rap at the desk when he have difficulty work out a math problem.
  17. 我正要上床睡觉时听到了门声。
    I am about to go to bed when I hear a rap at the door.
  18. 我正要上床睡觉时听到了门声。
    I was about to go to bed when I heard a rap at the door.
  19. 嘎嘎声快速的,连续不断的短促击的声音
    A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.
  20. 她轻而快地打我的指节。
    She rapped my knuckles.
  21. 他敲门烫。
    He rapped at the door.
  22. 击者击或打击的人,尤指门者
    One that raps or strikes, especially a door knocker.
  23. 主席重重地了几下桌子,然后开始讲话。
    The chairman prefaced his remarks with some sharp raps on the table.
  24. 主席击桌子来稳定秩序。
    The chairman rapped on the table for order.
  25. 那囚犯打囚室的墙来传达讯息
    The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall
  26. 主席用他的小木在桌上重了两下。
    The chairman rapped on the table twice with his gavel.
  27. 我们门,但没人回答。
    We rapped at the door , but there was no answer.
  28. 我们了门,但无人应。
    We rapped on the door, but there was no answer.
  29. 他用指关节轻着桌面直到感到疼痛为止。
    He rapped the tabletop with his knuckles until they were sore.
  30. 他边喊着边用拐杖着门。
    He shouted and rapped with his walking stick on the door.
  31. 主席咚咚地桌维持会场秩序。
    The chairman rapped the table to call the meeting to order.
  32. 主席用指节着桌子以使人群安静下来。
    The chairman rapped with his knuckles on the table to make the audience quiet.