不管怎样,他住在迪涅担任教职九年以后,当初成为那些小城市和小人们谈话的题材的闲话,都完全被丢在脑后了。 However that may be, after nine years of episcopal power and of residence in D----, all the stories and subjects of conversation which engross petty towns and petty people at the outset had fallen into profound oblivion.
但是一看到吉英的病并不怎么严重,她就满意了;她也并不希望吉英马上复元,因为,要是一复元,她就得离开尼日斐花园回家去。 but being satisfied on seeing her, that her illness was not alarming, she had no wish of her recovering immediately, as her restoration to health would probably remove her from Netherfield.
告诉我,这个方程式怎么解。 Show me how to solve this equation.
她一遍又一遍地问,“阿兰,怎么了?” she kept asking over and over again“Alan, what’s wrong?
现在阿拉丁感到害怕了:“我怎么出去呢? Now Aladdin was afraid, "How can I get out?
税务局:这要看所转让的股权是怎么形成的? Tax official: at first, you would better make clear that in what form the equity arise?
纳税人:我公司正打算与另一家外资企业合并,请问股权转让怎么纳税? Taxpayer: well, we are planning to transfer our equity into another company, I want to know whether my company will pay business tax on it.
e时代需要怎么样的员工? Employees needed for the e-era
汤姆:咱们从这个过道下去,坐到本垒后面,那我们就更能看清投手,看他怎样投曲线球。 Let's go down this aisle and sit behind home plate. Then we can see the pitcher better and watch how he throws his curves.
在我们这个国家,人们根本不懂佛教是怎么回事,只是把它看成一种离奇的东西、好像一种过时的宗教。 Buddhism in this country is not really understood; it's regarded as sort of quaint, it seems to be an old-fashioned religion.
我怎样才能到机场? How can I reach the airport?
一个十岁大的男孩会开飞机,这怎么可能呢? How is it possible for a boy of ten to fly an airplane?
?纳米结构,异常现象和量子控制——怎样突破目前存在的小型化限制。 Nanoscale structures, novel phenomena and quantum control -- how to overcome existing limits to miniaturization.
于是,王子学会了怎样取木柴,擦洗锅碗瓢盆,以及许多别的家务事。 So it was that the prince learned to fetch wood, scrub pots and pans, and do many other household chores.
不管怎样,走路通常更快。 In any case, it's usually quicker.
怎么去更快--坐公共汽车还是坐火车? Which way is quicker by bus or by train?
怎样才能尽快地赶到火车站? What's the quickest way to go to the railway station?
请问去体育场最近的路怎么走? What is the quickest way to get to the stadium, please?
请你尽量安静一点。你知道,我们在那样的暴风雨中怎么扎营呢? Please try to be, you know, a little quieter. How were we supposed to make camp in a storm like that, you know?
我想平静地考虑下一步该怎么办。 I wanted to ponder the next move quietly.
你怎么了,父亲,你不舒服吗?” But what ails you, father? Are you not well?"
“你怎么啦,我最亲爱的父亲! "What ails you, my dearest father?
那人显然知道这是怎么回事,他没有乞求施舍,但是却很感激有人在他绝望、心碎、尴尬的时候给予的帮助,他直视我父亲的眼睛,双手握住父亲的手,那20美元钞票紧紧地握在当中。他的嘴唇颤抖,一颗泪珠滑落他的脸颊。他回答说:“谢谢,谢谢您,先生。 The man knew what was going on. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a desperate, heartbreaking, embarrassing situation. He looked straight into my dad's eyes, took my dad's hand in both of his, squeezed tightly onto the $ 20 bill, and with his lip quivering and a tear streaming down his cheek, he replied, “ Thank you, thank you, sir.
你怎么啦?; What ails you?
您觉得我们的报价不怎么样? How do you find our quotation?
如果碰撞了,赛手该怎么办? What should the racer do if he has hit a yachting mark?
稣馐俏了什麽?这是什麽用意?这究竟是什麽意思?这到底是怎麽一回事? Hat's this in aid of?
描述其他规则怎样使用的规则(如汇编语言)。 a rule that describes how other rules should be used (as in AI).
由此,这将标志历史的一个巨大进步,这也将作为世界各国人民的一个共同誓言:不管种族主义在何地出现,不管它以怎样的面目出现,我们将与之斗争! Thus, it will mark a great step forward in history and also serve as a common pledge of the peoples of the world to fight racism wherever it occurs and whatever guise it assumes.
她是怎样当上模特儿的? How did she get into the modelling racket?