  • sheet
  • (a measure word)
  • Zhang (surname)
  • leaf
  • opening of a new shop
  • exaggerate
  • open
  • set out
  • spread
  • stretch
  • open up
  • extend
  • expand
  • look
  • zhang
  1.   (卢梭等所主的)社会契约说, 民约论(20世纪70年代英国工党提出的社会合同)   social contract compact
  2.   (印刷时纸正反面)对得不齐[对得齐]   be out of [be in] register
  3.   (墨西哥的)三张牌赌戏   three-card monte
  4.   (对...)作蔑视的手势(把拇指搁在鼻端, 其余四指开); [喻]无视, 拒不服从   thumb one's nose (at) sb.
  5.   (把拇指搁在鼻端, 其余四指开)对某人表示轻蔑, 嘲弄某人; 嗤之以鼻   make a long nose at sb.
  6.   (由于兴奋或恐惧等)紧得要命   (all) in [of] a twitter
  7.   (船只航行因强风)不帆   under bare poles
  8.   (高兴、紧或惊慌得)不能自制   out of one's skin
  9. v.  )指傻头傻脑地著嘴看某人或某物   means to look at someone or something in a foolish way with the mouth open *gawp (at
  10. n.  1(2) 用 强糊张贴某物   stick sth to an upright surface with paste
  11. n.  2004超级女声季军含韵晋级之路·春天的放肆   www spring100
  12. n.  28一套的多米诺骨牌戏.   dominoes [sing v] game played with a set of 28 dominoes
  13. n.  375×312mm纸张   pott
  14. n.  5 一张五英镑的钞票   a five-pound note, ie a banknote for
  15. adj.  =highfalutin, 夸的, 夸大的   hifalutin
  16.   [口](说话或做事)要有分寸, 不要夸(通常用作祈使语)   draw it mild
  1. 1999年伊始,男孩们已在结束他们在全美的一路满座巡演,为录制下专辑拟定了录音室工作计划,同时还目睹了乐队首同名专辑的冲天销量。
    As 1999 began,the boys were finishing their sold-out U.S.tour,planning a studio stint to record their next album,and watching sales of their eponymous debut skyrocket.
  2. 一起恐怖的汽车事故;一桩恐怖的杀人斩首的罪行;一可怕、甚至是恐怖的照片;战争是无可言喻的恐怖——温斯顿·丘吉尔;恐怖的伤口。
    an atrocious automobile accident; a frightful crime of decapitation; an alarming, even horrifying, picture; war is beyond all words horrible- Winston Churchill; an ugly wound.
  3. 他主张就业平等。
    He stands for equality in employment.
  4. 平等政治,经济和社会理想的人类平等主义。
    the doctrine of the equality of mankind and the desirability of political and economic and social equality.
  5. 男女平等主义主在社会、政治以及经济方面性别平等的信条
    Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
  6. 当飞机上的灯一下子熄灭时,旅客显得很紧,但当机长告诉他们这只不过是一次电气故障,很快就会修好时,他们才放下心来。
    The passengers became alarmed when the lights went out on the plane, but the captain put their minds at rest when he told them it was only a minor electrical fault and it would soon be repaired.
  7. 他对此感到气愤,也有所警觉,就在他口提出抗议之时,一只巨大的动物忽然出现在飞机的航道上,飞机被逼迫降在了丛林的树梢上。
    Angry and alarmed,Grant begins to protest when out of nowhere an enormous creature appears in the path of the plane,forcing it to crash into the jungle treetops.
  8. 预应力钢筋张拉设备
    stretching equipment for prestressing reinforcement
  9. 平均地权论者主平均分配土地的人
    A person who favors equitable distribution of land.
  10. 中国政府主,国际社会应加强对话和磋商,开展合作,共同防范和打击国际恐怖活动,努力消除产生恐怖主义的根源。
    The Chinese government is of the view that the international community should strengthen dialogue and consultation and develop cooperation, join hands in preventing and fighting against international terrorist activities, and make efforts to eradicate the root cause of terrorism.
  11. 她站着,两手叉着腰,向四下望。
    She stood, arms akimbo, looking around.
  12. 斜桁中帆下缘在斜桁上的三角形或四边形轻帆
    A light triangular or quadrilateral sail set over a gaff.
  13. 走道边的那餐桌是空的。
    The table near the aisle is free.
  14. 合乎条件的扩张计划
    A qualified plan for expansion.
  15. 目不识丁的浙江农家女潘秀红放下面子与9岁女儿同进一个教室,同用一书桌,以优异的成绩脱了盲,当选为全国“识字女状元”。
    Pan Xiuhong who was totally illiterate entered the same classroom with her nine-year-old daughter and shared a desk with her without any airs. She finally became literate with excellent result and has been selected as the national "Best women of Learning to Read and Write."
  16. 美貌只是一层皮;美貌不过一皮。
    What on recognizes as beauty in a person or thing is only the quality of the outer appearance, beneath which many very different qualities may be hidden; attractive appearances are deceptive.
  17. 请给我3寄到香港去的航空卡的邮票好吗?
    May I have postage stamps for three airmail cards to Hongkong?
  18. 表格要我在这么小小的空隙处填上全名、地址和国籍-这是不可能的。
    The form required me to give my full name, address and nationality in this tiny space – it's like trying to put a quart into a pint pot.
  19. 我想预订一张机票。
    I want to make an airline reservation.
  20. 台儿庄胜利之后,有些人主徐州战役应是“准决战”,说过去的持久战方针应该改变。
    After the Taierhchuang victory, some people maintained that the Hsuchow campaign should be fought as a "quasi-decisive campaign" and that the policy of protracted war should be changed.
  21. 他出了一红桃王后。
    he led the queen of hearts.
  22. 题字很怪异的纸;他举止有几分可笑。
    a queerly inscribed sheet of paper; he acted kind of funny.
  23. 为了寻找男低音,合唱团实施了公关闪电行动,在每座宿舍楼里都大量而醒目地贴了告示,号召“真正的男子汉高声唱吧!”
    In its quest for low-end sounds, the group conducted a public relations blitz, plastering every dorm with signs declaring "Real Men Sing Loud!"
  24. 这种有问题的主肯定会招致非议.
    Such a questionable assertion is sure to provoke criticism.
  25. 赫奇博士和他的同事,伊利诺伊州大学的查尔斯·沃尔夫均发现克林顿先生在被问及与菜温斯基小姐的关系的尴尬问题时,频繁地躲避提问者的注视,变得口结舌而且比平时更频繁地触摸鼻子。
    Dr Hirsch and his colleague Charles Wolf of the University of Illinois both spotted that Mr. Clinton frequently broke the questioner's gaze, became tongue-tied and touched his nose far more often than normal when asked awkward questions about his relationship with Miss Lewinsky.
  26. 经上海市有关部门组织慎重的专门调查,否定了的举报。仍一再纠缠,并到处编造和散布谎言,对该院负责人进行人身攻击。
    After a careful investigation, the allegations present in her report were refuted by the relevant department in Shanghai, but she still quibbled over it, continuing to make up and spread rumors about the leaders of the welfare home and launching personal attacks against them.
  27. 机场是军事优势争夺战中的一可靠王牌。
    An airfield is a blue chip in the struggle for military supremacy.
  28. 老师的表快了二分钟。
    Teacher Zhang's watch is two minutes quicker.
  29. 她比她姐姐的观察力来得敏锐,脾气她没有姐姐那么好惹,因此提到彬家姐妹,她只要想想她们在跳舞场里的那种举止,就知道她们并不打算要讨一般人的好。而且她胸有城府,决不因为人家等待她好就改变主,她不会对她们发生多大好感的。
    Their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgment, too, unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.
  30. 请不要张扬这件事。
    Please keep quiet about this.
  31. 吉英跟她母亲一样得意,只不过没有象她母亲那样声
    Jane was as much gratified by this as her mother could be, though in a quieter way.
  32. 会上的气氛有点紧
    There was an air of tension at the meeting.