  • dull
  • dull-minded, simple, stupid
  • Stay
  • stupid
  1.   (为等某人、某事而)在附近, 不走远   stick about
  2.   (为等某人、某事而)在附近, 不走远   stick around
  3.   (使)冻结; (态度等)变板[冷淡, 僵硬]   freeze up
  4.   [俚]神经不正常; 有些痴   be barmy on the crumpet
  5.   [俚]神经不正常; 有些痴   be balmy on the crumpet
  6.   [俚]神经不正常; 有些痴   be off one's crumpet
  7.   [口]你地在想什么呢   a penny for your thoughts
  8.   [口]逼得某人在一个地方不下去   make a place too hot for sb.
  9.   [口]闲荡; 闲呆着   mooch about [around]
  10.   [罕]大吃一惊, 吓得目瞪口, 如遭晴天霹雳   struck with thunder
  11.   [美, 口]在...的旁边, 留在...旁边   stay by
  12.   [美]遮避(风, 日光等); 在屋外, 外宿; 继续罢工; 中途退学;【摄】置于定影液中   stop out
  13.   [美俚]极打动人; 使人惊   hit like a ton of bricks
  14.   [美俚]激动得说不出话来, 紧张得发   choke in
  15.   [美口]使呆住   stop clod
  16.   [美口]脑的人, 乏味的伴侣   a bump on a log
  1. 不幸的是下了一整天的雨;很遗憾,我不能再了。
    unfortunately it rained all day; alas, I cannot stay.
  2. 由于阿拉丁拒绝这样做,魔术师心想:“让他在这里上一晚上,明天他就会照我的话去做的。”
    As Aladdin refused to do so, the Magician thought, "I will leave him for a night, and tomorrow he will do as I say."
  3. 闲逛空闲地在某地周围;漫无目的地闲逛
    To stand idly about; linger aimlessly.
  4. 而一心只管自家事的人无甚嫉妒的由来,因为嫉妒是一种爱游荡的感情,它总在街头闲逛,不肯在家里,所以古人说:“好管闲事者必定没安好心。”
    Neither can he, that mindeth but his own business, find much matter for envy. For envy is a gadding passion, and walketh the streets, and doth not keep home: Non est curiosus, quin idem sit malevolus.
  5. 他从箭袋里抽出一支箭搭在弦上,但他刚看了她一眼,就不禁被她的美丽惊了。他意识到自己已经死心塌地爱上波西卡了。
    He drew an arrow from his quiver and fitted it to his bow,then he took one look at her but he was startled by her great beauty,and he found himself hopelessly in love with Psyche.
  6. 自由企业;自由港;自由的国家;我有一个小时的自由时间;自由意志;没有种族主义;感觉自由的想多久就多久。
    free enterprise; a free port; a free country; I have an hour free; free will; free of racism; feel free to stay as long as you wish.
  7. 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得脑。
    Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao.
  8. 他们都同意在这里。
    They all agreed to stay here.
  9. 惊得目瞪口的由于惊吓或好奇而睁大眼的;急切的
    Wide-eyed, as with astonishment or curiosity; agog.
  10. ""哦,上帝!"我惊了,不由得大笑。
    "Oh, my God, " I howled, so aghast I had to laugh.
  11. 苏珊在路上发现被害的一具男尸,似乎被吓了。
    Susan looked aghast on finding the body of a murdered man in the road.
  12. 听到这消息,他吓得发
    He was aghast on hearing the news.
  13. 他被那可怕的景象吓了.
    He stood aghast at the terrible sight.
  14. 他们被这意外的灾祸吓了。
    They stood aghast at this unforeseen disaster.
  15. 他听到这消息吓了。
    He stood aghast on hearing the news.
  16. 最初,一家人可以开着车度周末,然后就在路边的餐馆旁停下买饭,这样吃饭时也能在他们那辆漂亮的车里。
    In the beginning, families would go for weekend drives and end the day by going to a drive-in restau- rant so they could eat while still in their wonderful car.
  17. 全神贯注的思索;全神贯注的观察或者全身心的喜悦;这本书完全吸引了她;沉溺于幻想;她如此专心于这奇异的……叙述,以至于几乎不动——沃尔特·德·拉·米尔瑞;惊异得目瞪口;全神贯注的思索。
    deep in thought; that engrossed look or rapt delight; the book had her totally engrossed; enwrapped in dreams; so intent on this fantastic...narrative that she hardly stirred- Walter de la Mare; rapt with wonder; wrapped in thought.
  18. 这个无赖每天晚上从不在家里,老是在外而鬼混作乐。
    The rascal was never home, evenings, always running around.
  19. 我宁愿呆在家里!
    I'd rather stay in!
  20. 她宁愿呆在家里。
    She'd rather stay in.
  21. 她宁愿呆在家里。
    She 'd rather stay in.
  22. 噢!现在都什么时代了,还有这种满头邋遢头发的书子?
    No. a ratty-hair bookworm, in this day and age?
  23. 噢!现在都什么时代了,还有这种满头邋遢头发的书子?
    No. a ratty - hair bookworm, in this day and age?
  24. 王平:当时,奇拉维特的入球令一向噪杂的河床体育馆的阿根廷球迷顿时安静下来,目瞪口地看着这位萨斯菲尔德队的守门页的精彩表演。
    Wang Ping: At that time, Chilavert's shot made the Argentinean fans, who usually made the Riverbed Stadium noisy suddenly quiet down. They watched the wonderful performance of the Sarsfield's goalkeeper agape.
  25. 瞠目结舌的观众;我们站在那儿因惊愕而目瞪口;嘴大张着。
    the gaping audience; we stood there agape with wonder; with mouth agape.
  26. 剩下他独自一个张大着嘴发
    He was left alone and agape.
  27.  中国现阶段的孤儿的监护养育办法是:一部分由国家和集体举办社会福利事业单位集中监护养育,直至他们长大成人,对监护养育的痴和重残孤儿实行终身供养;
    These are the ways that orphans are reared under guardianship in China: social welfare institutions set up by the government or collectives oer guardianship and rearing to some of the orphans till their adult age and give life support to idiotic and seriously disabled orphans under their care;
  28. 中国现阶段的孤儿的监护养育办法是:一部分由国家和集体举办社会福利事业单位集中监护养育,直至他们长大成人,对监护养育的痴和重残孤儿实行终身供养;
    These are the ways that orphans are reared under guardianship in China: social welfare institutions set up by the government or collectives offer guardianship and rearing to some of the orphans till their adult age and give life support to idiotic and seriously disabled orphans under their care;
  29. 铁路工程师们推断,红色本身就提醒人们暂停,或在该信号旁边,或停止前进,否则将会遭受死亡或损毁的后果。
    The color alone, railroad engineers reasoned, should give people cause to pause, to abide by the signal, and to stop or suffer the consequences of death and destruction.
  30. 天气这麽好却要在家里,我们对此非常反感
    We rebelled at having to stay in on so fine a day
  31. 漂浮的;在液体的表面;不下沉。
    be afloat; stay on a liquid surface; not sink.
  32. 在我们将基地组织赶出阿富汗后,它的一些成员接受了这个组织的庇护,至今仍在那里。
    After we swept Al Qaida from Afghanistan, some of its members accepted this safe haven. They remain their today.