米裏哀先生到任以後,人們就照將主教列在僅次於元帥地位的律令所規定的儀節,把他安頓在主教院裏。 On his arrival, M. Myriel was installed in the episcopal palace with the honors required by the Imperial decrees, which class a bishop immediately after a major-general.
不管怎樣,他住在迪涅擔任教職九年以後,當初成為那些小城市和小人們談話的題材的閑話,都完全被丟在腦後了。 However that may be, after nine years of episcopal power and of residence in D----, all the stories and subjects of conversation which engross petty towns and petty people at the outset had fallen into profound oblivion.
在最近的一個早上,當人們發現邁剋爾·h的時候,他正睡在蘭開斯特郊區的聖保羅聖公會教堂的地板上。他已經有幾個月沒有理發和颳臉了,身邊散落着從教堂配餐室拿來的金槍魚的空罐頭盒和湯。 Michael H. had not had a shave or haircut in months when he was found one recent morning, sleeping on the floor of St. Paul'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster, next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry.
這件事你們好多人可能不知道。 Many of you probably don't know anything about this episode.
然而我要說的是,它們仍然不能確保聖潔,或甚至不能保證誠實。它們可以附庸於世故的俗人,附庸於玩世不恭的浪子。唉,當他們用它偽裝起來時,就更增加了他們外表上的冷靜、快活和魅力。 but still, I repeat, they are no guarantee for sanctity or even for conscientiousness, they may attach to the man of the world, to the profligate, to the heartless, pleasant, alas, and attractive as he shows when decked out in them.
但是人們不把他們稱為旅行者,而是稱為遊客,世界各地都有他們的蹤跡:有的沿亞馬孫河順流而下,有的乘船到阿拉斯加去,有的從了伯剋都飛往伊斯特島,還有的去拍攝挪威的教堂和巴基斯坦人的服飾。 But instead of being called travelers, they are known as tourists and they are seen all over the world floating down the Amazon , cruising to Alas-ka, flying from Timbuktu to Easter Island, and taking pictures of Norwegian churches and Pakistani costumes.
發型高貴,穿着幽雅的洛麗塔·揚沿着蠃旋梯款款走下的那個形象似乎令人難忘:然後,她開始嚮人們介紹1953~1961年期間每周播出的由她主演的電視節目。 The image seems indelible:Loretta Young,elegantly coiffed and dressed, sweeping down a spiral staircase to introduce each episode of her weekly 1953~ 1961 TV show.
鄧:那件事,看起來是壞事,但歸根到底也是好事,促使人們思考,促使人們認識我們的弊端在哪裏。 Deng: That episode looks bad, but in the final analysis, it was also a good thing. Because it set people thinking and helped to identify our failings.
非常特殊的、危急的atc形勢,比如一次危險接近,能在經歷性記憶中保持很長時間。就象我們個人發生的危險經歷保存在經歷性記憶中一樣。 Episodic memories of highly specific, critical ATC situations, such as a near mid-air collision, can persist for years, just as do our episodic memories for critical personal experiences.
經歷性的記憶是指在我們的記憶中次序發生的事件,通常結合一些時間、地點、其他出現的人物,等等。 Episodic memory is our memory for events in their sequence of occurrence, usually associated with some form of tagging for time, place, other people present, and so forth.
但對這些如此明顯的問題,它們卻毫無興趣。 Alas, they are not at all interested in these obvious questions.
哎呀!我們失去了這麽好的一次機會。 Alas the day! We have lost such a good chance.
我們在這所學校中看到的各個部門是全國各校的縮影。 The division we saw in this school was the epitome of those occured throughout the whole country.
我們在這所學校中看到的各個部門是全國各校的縮影。 The division we see in this school is the epitome of those occur throughout the whole country.
我們不要危言聳聽. We mustn't is alarmist.
一個理性的社會總應該在正當盈利與暴利剝削之間有一條界限。否則,索羅斯們的伎倆反而會被尊為最高智慧,理性則無立足之地矣。 A rational society should draw a line between legitimate profit-making and exploitative profiteering, lest the likes of George Soros be hailed as the epitome of wisdom while rationality gets booted out the window.
我們不要危言聳聽。 We mustn't be alarmist.
我們正進入(人類)文明史上的新紀元。 We are entering upon a new epoch in the history of civilization.
但是,我們的時代,資産階級時代,卻有一個特點:它使階級對立簡單化了。整個社會日益分裂為兩大敵對的陣營,分裂為兩大相互直接對立的階級:資産階級和無産階級。 Our epoch, the epoch of the bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms: Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes, directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.
現在,當我們由於新的歷史環境而進入於一個新的時代——無産階級革命的時代,捨米契在這一切以後卻引證斯大林在俄國資産階級民主革命時期所寫的那本小册子中的一個地方,這能有什麽意義呢? After all this, what significance can Semich's reference to the passage in Stalin's pamphlet, written in the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, have at the present time, when, as a consequence of the new historical situation, we have entered a new epoch, the epoch of proletarian revolution?
同志們很多是從上海亭子間⑾來的;從亭子間到革命根據地,不但是經歷了兩種地區,而且是經歷了兩個歷史時代。 A good number of comrades have come here from the garrets of Shanghai, and in coming from those garrets to the revolutionary base areas, they have passed not only from one kind of place to another but from one historical epoch to another.
那是最美好的時代,那是最糟糕的時代;那是智慧的年頭,那是愚昧的年頭;那是信仰的時期,那是懷疑的時期;那是光明的季節,那是黑暗的季節;那是希望的春天,那是失望的鼕天;我們全都在直奔天堂,我們全都在直奔相反的方向--簡而言之,那時跟現在非常相象,某些最喧囂的權威堅持要用形容詞的最高級來形容它。說它好,是最高級的;說它不好,也是最高級的。 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age offoolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so. far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
半個世紀的經驗和教訓,聯合國憲章的宗旨和原則,和平與發展的時代主題,嚮我們提出莊嚴而迫切的要求。 Our experience and lessons over half a century, the purposes and principles of the Charter and the epochal theme of peace and development, have all raised solemn and urgent demands on us.
實際上,也衹有到了過去的一個世紀,特別是在過去15年——在人們研究出碳-14年代測定法以後——我們纔開始模糊地瞭解這些劃時代事件的時間。正是這些事件决定了人類的命運。 In fact, it has only been within the past century, and especially within the last 15 years since the development of the effective radio-carbon dating systems that we have begun even vaguely to understand the timing of these epochal events which have shaped the world's destiny.
當我們面臨驚恐的局面時,我們的大腦會釋放出腎上腺素及其他化學物質。這些化學物質會導致我們心跳加速、血壓增高(使血液流嚮我們的肌肉和大腦)、呼吸急促、消化速度放慢。我們會感到體內能量一陣快速涌流。 When confronted by an alarming situation,our brain releases adrenaline and other chemicals which causes our heart rate and blood pressure to increase(moving blood to our muscles and brain),our breathing to become faster,our digestion to slow down,and we feel a sudden rush of energy.
1999年伊始,男孩們已在結束他們在全美的一路滿座巡演,為錄製下張專輯擬定了錄音室工作計劃,同時還目睹了樂隊首張同名專輯的衝天銷量。 As 1999 began,the boys were finishing their sold-out U.S.tour,planning a studio stint to record their next album,and watching sales of their eponymous debut skyrocket.
變得強硬的漁夫;這個農夫,黑皮膚,瘦臉,能適應強風-羅伯特.林德;我們的繼承者…可以是雕刻師,是更堅強和更穩定的人-v.s普瑞切特。 hardened fishermen; a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured- Robert Lynd; our successors...may be graver, more inured and equable men- V.S.Pritchett.
他們同工同酬。 They get equal pay for equal work.
她們和男人平等,這表現在同工同酬上。 They are on an equal footing with men; this is expressed in equal pay for equal work.
更讓人感到不安的是這些企業很多是傢喻戶曉和人們所信賴的公司,而涉嫌舞弊的竟是公司的最高層决策者。 This scandal is all the more alarming because the companies implicated were mostly trusted household names and the perpetrators were their highest level executives.
令人擔憂的是我們容易對其産生排斥性的食物常常是我們最喜愛吃的東西。 The alarming thing is that the foods to which we are likely to be intolerant are those we crave the most.