Petals of spring fly all through the city
From the wind in the willows of the Imperial River.
And at dusk, from the palace, candles are given out
To light first the mansions of the Five Great Lords. While a cold wind is creeping under my mat,
And the city's naked wall grows pale with the autumn moon,
I see a lone wild-goose crossing the River of Stars,
And I hear, on stone in the night, thousands of washing mallets....
But, instead of wishing the season, as it goes,
To bear me also far away,
I have found your poem so beautiful
That I forget the homing birds. I face, high over this enchanted lodge, the Court of the Five Cities of Heaven,
And I see a countryside blue and still, after the long rain.
The distant peaks and trees of Qin merge into twilight,
And Had Palace washing-stones make their autumnal echoes.
Thin pine-shadows brush the outdoor pulpit,
And grasses blow their fragrance into my little cave.
...Who need be craving a world beyond this one?
Here, among men, are the Purple Hills Her jade-green alcove curtained thick with silk,
Her vermilion screen with its pattern of flowers,
Her eight- foot dragon-beard mat and her quilt brocaded in squares
Are ready now for nights that are neither warm nor cold. 长乐花枝雨点消,江城日暮好相邀。 春楼不闭葳蕤锁,绿水回通宛转桥。 千点斓斒喷玉骢,青丝结尾绣缠騣。 鸣鞭晚出章台路,叶叶春依杨柳风。 寒色凝罗幕,同人清夜期。玉杯留醉处,银烛送归时。 独坐隔千里,空吟对雪诗。 开瓮腊酒熟,主人心赏同。斜阳疏竹上,残雪乱天中。 更喜宣城印,朝廷与谢公。 渭城寒食罢,送客归远道。乌帽背斜晖,青骊踏春草。 酒醒孤烛夜,衣冷千山早。去事沈尚书,应怜词赋好。 Speech convergence version of the Han court, go into the fan Chu screen. River City on the third turn, nine people in the park. Wine nearly Yicheng, to thank the Leisure poetry. Yuqing Xishan tree, sunrise Nanchang Guo. Bamboo dew point Yi Jin, Lake tobacco wet shut key. Cang master jade, gold contact after the ride. High, as the lead eight states, the phase of the same E. Line of business reported that friends, from flying boundless. Closed for days, the King of Qi, clear mountain temple too. Lu Gongqiu complete game, dawn and drive back to high. From the quiet ride and do, with everyone Shen Xie. Zijin full civil and military, a drunk Hanxi night. 人言寿春远,此去先秋到。孤客小翼舟,诸生高翅帽。 淮风生竹簟,楚雨移茶灶。若在八公山,题诗一相报。 爱君青袍色,芳草能相似。官重法家流,名高墨曹吏。 春衣淮上宿,美酒江边醉。楚酪沃雕胡,湘羹糁香饵。 前朝山水国,旧日风流地。苏山逐青骢,江家驱白鼻。 右军尚少年,三领东方骑。亦过小丹阳,应知百城贵。 Minyue drove off the road out of Raoyang West. Tsui picturesque mountains, clusters of raw rainbow. Peaks if the attendants, the public, such as infants and raised Fu. Rock Crest mutual stimulation, Ling Xiu-phase recovery portability. Full round in March, bringing such as round-Gui. Jade pleases visit, this God should be lost. Chang drag Xiapei, lead me climb Ji. Steaming on the half days, jade hanging mirrors flying staircase. Yao Chi Ho quietly, and the Flying Crane habitat smoke. Looking back, dust things, exposed Lower Cambrian desolately. Spring flow should see a visitor on credit, see the South into the Xuzhou Lau Fa. Suzaku look Huaishui bridge, I asked Wang Wuyi Xiang. Lu million wells thousands of non-eventful, the provision of user to open the door to the Green Mountains. Chuyun down Stone, Jiang Yan Flying W coffin Temple. WU Shi romantic even amiable, Kerry should meet at the new tour. Goat cheese never boast here, but people _set_ their own water shield soup. Vanilla Road east, south and passenger capacity of the heart. White king Sun, Qing Liu family female moth. Shuji are out the door, estuary Pianfan move. Orange Island sleep the night bamboo mat, Chun Shan near Maple Island. Jane is very calm Sanin government to strike the only seeking things outside the track. Yan streams lace the sun_set_, Bamboo Hueiji smoke clear peak. Merry Su Boyu wit, should be compared with the official dawn dusk by. Love bass were fat snacks, cooked sugar hangover still pity. Zhijun refining think the fresh, Quarter of children now Germany has neighbors. Shining future look like villas, a poem that sooner or later send Westerners. 髯参军,髯参军,身为北州吏,心寄东山云。 坐见萋萋芳草绿。遥思往日晴江曲。刺船频向剡中回, 捧被曾过越人宿。花里莺啼白日高,春楼把酒送车螯。 狂歌好爱陶彭泽,佳句唯称谢法曹。平生乐事多如此, 忍为浮名隔千里。一雁南飞动客心,思归何待秋风起。 North Korea and India for the three rooms, three Shu night. Away and get off at to know, is, and Arundinaria spring. County Road Orange flower, the relay streaming river shore. Public doors Noir without incident, with appreciation to a blind date. Fang Yi Green Solutions drunk early evening, squatting owl recommended Jiake should be adopted. When the water is far Ying Ji Nishikawa, Wang Bi fly Guci free chicken. Aijun pleasure Jiaxing hair, the outer Tongliang think more than a dream. 黄骢少年舞双戟,目视旁人皆辟易。百战能夸陇上儿, 一身复作云中客。寒风动地气苍茫,横吹先悲出塞长。 敲石军中传夜火,斧冰河畔汲朝浆。前锋直指阴山外, 虏骑纷纷胆应碎。匈奴破尽人看归,金印酬功如斗大。 Spring is also home does not fall after a few days more people should put the wine. Flowers deep bucket duck pool bar, Possession of Arthur Liu Yuxi bridge. Pity the homes with the clothes away, re-Hui to the neighbor down drunk. Song Hong orange hands free, the empty mountains, a look partridge fly. 元戎车右早飞声,御史府中新正名。翰墨已齐钟大理, 风流好继谢宣城。从军晓别龙骧幕,六骑先驱嘶近郭。 前路应留白玉台,行人辄美黄金络。使君下马爱瀛洲, 简贵将求物外游。听讼不闻乌布帐,迎宾暂著紫绨裘。 公庭日夕罗山翠,功遂心闲无一事。移书或问岛边人, 立仗时呼铃下吏。事业初传小夏侯,中年剑笏在西州。 浮云飞鸟两相忘,他日依依城上楼。 莫嗟太常屈,便入苏门啸。里在应未迟,勿作我身料。 轻云日下不成阴,出对流芳搅别心。万雉城东春水阔, 千人乡北晚花深。旧竹青青常绕宅,到时疏旷应自适。 佳期纵得上宫游,旅食还为北邙客。路出司州胜景长, 西山翠色带清漳。仙人矶近茱萸涧,铜雀台临野马冈。 屡道主人多爱士,何辞策马千馀里。高谭魏国访先生, 修刺平原过内史。一举青云在早秋,恐君从此便淹留。 有钱莫向河间用,载笔须来阙下游。 屿花晚,山日长,蕙带麻襦食草堂。一片水光飞入户, 千竿竹影乱登墙。园梅熟,家酝香。新湿头巾不复篸, 相看醉倒卧藜床。 Get things started plain Hou, out all night speech Jiuyou door. Grass stretching thousands of miles, Qing Li Po CDs street children. Heyang places near the county flower of deep, spring bamboo boat crossing Qishui map. Jia Ye remain under the flood of new tours, group of public old heart blind date. Jin Panxiao grouper Zhuyi crucian carp, Xiao-Ying Cui Yu Yu bamboo mat people. Wang Cheng promoting the book so early, in future should know Jubian speed. Cold Water melon floating in May, the king sleeve river song. |