唐代 戴叔伦 Dai Shulun  唐代   (732~789)
江乡故人偶集客舍 Changing on Old Friends in a Village Inn
横吹曲辞·关山月二首 The music diction watching the mountains 2
相和歌辞·昭君词 In proper proportion songs Zhaojun words
相和歌辞·长门怨 In proper proportion Songs Nagato complain
杂曲歌辞·新别离 Potpourri songs new leave
杂曲歌辞·独不见 Potpourri Songs alone vanish
杂曲歌辞·转应词 Potpourri songs Transfer should be the word
古意 interest and charm of antique taste
南野 Na Ye
曾游 Zeng Yu
江行 River Bank
孤鸿篇 guhongpian
感怀二首 Recall with emotion 2
喜雨 timely rainfall
叹葵花 acclaim sunflower
从军行 Attest Row
九日与敬处士左学士同赋采菊上东山便为首句 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar With respect Department disabilities Left Bachelor With Fucaijushang Dongshan convenient Head sentence
奉天酬别郑谏议云逵、卢拾遗景亮见别之作 Old name of mukden Do not pay Zheng Jian Yi Yun Kui Lu Gleaning Do not see the bright prospects for
梧桐 phoenix tree
孤石 Boulder
花 flower
竹 Bamboo
怀素上人草书歌 Huai su Buddhist monk Cursive cantus
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷273_47
