二灵寺守岁 2 ling temple stay up late on new year's eve
暮春感怀 end of spring recall with emotion
哭朱放 cry Zhu Fang
渐至涪州先寄王员外使君纵 Gradually to send the first king of the Fuzhou Ministry councillor Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china vertical
和河南罗主簿送校书兄归江南 and Henan province Romania to send the main book books brother go school south of the Changjiang River
听霜钟 Listen to Cream Bell
同前 ditto
酬崔法曹遗剑 Pay Cui Law cao Left sword
敬报孙常州二首 Jing Sun newspaper Changzhou 2
将赴东阳留上包谏议 Go to Dongyang Stay on the package Jian Yi
新年第二夜答处上人宿玉芝观见寄 Watch in Secondly Night A Department Buddhist monk Su Yu-Zhi, see Send a view
赴抚州对酬崔法曹夜雨滴空阶五首 Choi went to Fuzhou to the pay Law cao Night rain Air _drop_s of order 5