宋代 欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu  宋代   (1007~1072)
生查子·元夕 Child health check Lantern Festival
采桑子·群芳过后西湖好 Cai sangzi Beautiful and fragrant flowers Later The west lake good
诉衷情·眉意 Complain heartfelt emotion Mei Italy
阮郎归 Nguyen Lang return
南歌子 Southern Poems
长相思·苹满溪 Long lovesickness Ping Moon River
采桑子·轻舟短棹西湖好 Cai sangzi Barque Short zhao The west lake good
采桑子·春深雨过西湖好 Cai sangzi Deep spring Rain, The west lake good
采桑子·画船载酒西湖好 Cai sangzi Hua chuan Wine, The west lake good
采桑子·何人解赏西湖好 Cai sangzi Who Solution Tour The west lake good
采桑子·清明上已西湖好 Cai sangzi Sober and calm Has been The west lake good
采桑子·荷花开后西湖好 Cai sangzi Lotus After opening The west lake good
采桑子·天容水色西湖好 Cai sangzi T'ien jung Water The west lake good
采桑子·残霞夕照西湖好 Cai sangzi Canxia Afterglow The west lake good
采桑子·平生为爱西湖好 s life For love The west lake good
浪淘沙·把酒祝东风 s wineglass invoke east
浪淘沙·今日北池游 Waves Today North Pond Tour
玉楼春·樽前拟把归期说 Yu louchun Tarumae intended to Date of return say
玉楼春·别后不知君远近 Yu louchun Do not post Guiltless don far and near
踏莎行·候馆梅残 Tasha hang Waiting hall Mei residual
长相思·花似伊 Long lovesickness Flowers like Iraq
诉衷情·堤上游人逐画船 Complain heartfelt emotion bank Upper reaches (of a river) People by Hua Chuan
晚過水花 Too late foam
蝶恋花 Butterfly in Love
古诗 ancient style poetry


