宋代 欧阳修 Ouyang Xiu  宋代   (1007~1072)
Same Name
Junior Tour
Tasha hang defer
Coumarouna odorata sachet
Yu Louchun
Yu louchun Indian eyebrow
Yu Louchun
Yu Louchun
Yu Louchun
Jianzimu orchid
Jianzimu orchid
Spring Festival Fun
A drop cable
dark Sail
dark Sail
Coffee Senna Seed
Clear business Resentment
Coffee Senna Seed
banquet abode of fairy mother goddess
Junior Tour
Yuen Yi decedent
Nguyen Lang return
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Same Name

   Ouyang Xiu

Fifteen or sixteen, de Lo clothes, change of position Dai Mei long Organisation.
Ruby warming, into the human pregnant, Chun Kun cooked.
Of Hong Yin, accounts before the next draw candle.
Eye wavelength, oblique dip coming from the green cloud.
Look inadequate.
Residual bitter night, Genglou promote.
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