中华人民共和国 毛泽东 Mao Zedong  中华人民共和国   (1893~1976)
qìn yuán chūn · cháng shā s poem Changsha Municipality
mán · huáng lóu Song Form Tower of Yellow Crane
jiāng yuè · jǐng gǎng shān The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river Jing-gang Mountain
qīng píng · jiǎng guì zhàn zhēng Qingping yue Jiang Gui outbreak
cǎi sāng · chóngyáng Cai Sangzi the Double Ninth Festival
mèng lìng · yuán dàn s Day
jiǎn lán huā · guǎng chāng shàng Jianzimu orchid Guangchang parking lane
dié liàn huā · cóng tīng zhōu xiàng cháng shā Butterfly in love Loose the Changsha Municipality
jiā 'ào · fǎn wéi jiǎo Yu jia ao anti- First big encircle and annihilate
jiā 'ào · fǎn 'èr wéi jiǎo Yu jia ao anti- Second big encircle and annihilate
mán · bǎi Song form Dabaidi
qīng píng · huì chāng Qingping yue Huichang
qín 'é · lóu shān guān Same name Loushanguan
shí liù lìng sān shǒu Caroche Word Order 3
· cháng zhēng an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme expedition
niàn jiāo · kūn lún Stories of k'un lun
qīng píng · liù pán shān Qingping Yue Liupan Mountains
qìn yuán chūn · xuě SNOW--to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun
· rén mín jiě fàng jūn zhàn lǐng nán jīng an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme People's liberation army take Nanjing
· liǔ xiān shēng An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme and Liu yazi baas
huàn shā · liǔ xiān shēng Huan Xisha and Liu yazi baas
làng táo shā · běi dài Waves North Day River
shuǐ diào tóu · yóu yǒng Shuidiaogetou Swimming
dié liàn huā · shū Butterfly in love answer Li shu uni-
duō shǒu yī yè
qìn yuán chūn Mao Zedong's poem
qìn yuán chūn · xuě
SNOW--to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun


  běi guó fēng guāngqiān bīng fēngwàn xuě piāo
   wàng cháng chéng nèi wàiwéi mǎng mǎng shàng xiàdùn shī tāo tāo
   shān yín shéyuán chí xiàng tiān gōng shì gāo
   qíng kàn hóng zhuāng guǒfènwài yāo ráo
   jiāng shān duō jiāoyǐn shù yīng xióng jìng zhé yāo
   qín huáng hàn lüè shū wén cǎitáng zōng sòng shāo xùn fēng sāo

   dài tiān jiāochéng hànzhǐ shí wān gōng shè diāo
   wǎng shù fēng liú rén hái kàn jīnzhāo
   jiǔ sān liù nián 'èr yuè
