中华人民共和国 毛泽东 Mao Zedong  中华人民共和国   (1893~1976)
七律二首·送瘟神 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme 2 send hoodoo
七律·到韶山 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme To Shao Mountain
七律·登庐山 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme ascend Lushan Mountain
七绝·为女民兵题照 A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme For women Commando Problems according to
七律·答友人 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme answer friend
七绝·为李进同志题所摄庐山仙人洞照 A four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme Lee Jin Compeer The photo issue Lushan mountain celestial being Tung Chiu
七律·和郭沫若同志 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme and Guo moruo compeer
卜算子·咏梅 Divination operator Yongmei
七律·冬云 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme Yun
满江红·和郭沫若同志 Azolla and Guo moruo compeer
七律·洪都 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme Honduras
五古.挽易昌陶 A form of pre-tang poetry, usu. having five characters to each line Wan-Yi Chang Tao
七古.送纵宇一郎东行 Qi Gu Yu Koizumi sent eastbound longitudinal
四言诗.祭母文 The poem each line of which consists of four words Mother Culture Festival
虞美人.赠杨开慧 the field [red] poppy Yang Kaihui gifts
贺新郎.赠杨开慧 congratulate benedict Yang Kaihui gifts
六言诗.致彭德怀同志 Six Poems To Peng compeer
临江仙.赠丁玲 Lin jiangxian present Dingling
四言诗.祭黄帝陵 The poem each line of which consists of four words offer sacrifice Yellow e- Tomb Tomb
四言诗.妇女解放 the poem each line of which consists of four words Women's Liberation
五律.挽戴安澜将军 An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme draw Dai anlan check
七律.有田有地吾为主 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme Arita I have to predominatingly
浣溪沙 和柳亚子先生(颜斶齐王各命前) Huan xisha and liu yazi baas Life before the King of Qi Yan Chu
七律仄起首句不押韵 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme narrow At first Goubu rhyme
      ——都六月三十日人民日报,余江县消灭了血吸虫。浮想联翩, 夜不能寐。微风拂煦,旭日临窗。遥望南天,欣然命笔。


  绿水青山枉自多, 华陀无奈小虫何。
  千村薜荔人遗矢, 万户萧疏鬼唱歌。
  坐地日行八万里, 巡天遥看一千河。
  牛郎欲问瘟神事, 一样悲欢逐逝波。
