水调歌头(昏发乌江,朝至湖阴,月正午,舟中作) Shuidiaogetou Hunfa Wujiang river Chaozhihuyinyue Midday Boat for
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
水调歌头(登甘露寺多景楼望淮有感) Shuidiaogetou Ascend kanroji View more building Wang Huai Thoughts
水调歌头(戊戍自寿) Shuidiaogetou E Shu from life
六州歌头(送辛稼轩) Song of the first six states Xin Jiaxuan sent
满江红(登石头城,归已月生) Azolla ascend Cob city Return has been Hygiene month
沁园春(别陈总帅) Qinyuan Chun do President Chen Shuai
沁园春(寿李通判) Write your life (a surname) an official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc.
沁园春(谢刘小山频寄所作) Write Your grateful Brae Send the frequency
沁园春(庚午三月望日赋椿堂牡丹) Write Your Gengwu Mar The 15th day of a lunar month poetic essay Chun tang peony
锦堂春(留春) Kam tong chun Stay spring
壶中天(寿丘枢密) Kettle mediation Shou Qiu senator
烛影摇红(元宵) Zhuyingyaohong night of the 15th of the 1st lunar month
谒金门(用赵帐干韵) Ye golden gate Zhao account with Dry rhyme
水龙吟(寿李尚书) Shuilong yin Ting Li Shang Shu
喜迁莺(别陈新恩) Xi ying move Biechenxin'en
喜迁莺(寿李文昌) Xi ying move Ting Li Wenchang
喜迁莺(寿薛尚书) Xi ying move Ting Xue Shang Shu
喜迁莺(寿薛枢密) Xi ying move Ting Xue senator
古诗 ancient style poetry
翊运勋臣第一家,却于翰墨掇英华。 谁知忠孝千年事,不逐春风落水花。