促鼕望日登四顧坡 Winter Promotion The 15th day of a lunar month ascend Look around Slope
代上楊誠齋 On behalf of the Yang Cheng Zhai
登石頭城 ascend Cob City
登紫微崖 Teng Ziwei Cliff
丁亥閏五月十日回自真聖道坊車中記事 Ding hai,the twenty-fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calender embolism May On the 10th back from the true Holy Place car account
讀史有感 Reading History Thoughts
伐千秋巨木竟梁海堂 cut down, subjugate, attack A thousand years Giant tree actually Liang Haitang
奉送季清赴山東幕府 Hand sb. sth. on a plate JI Qing-go Shandong province office of the commanding officer
復朱教授 Fu Zhu professor
甘將軍廟 pleasant Check temple
高宗皇帝賢訓終編錫賚進詩 Zong Czar Yin Xun finally compiled into the tin Dalai Poetry
光宗皇帝輓詩 Mitsumune Czar lament
光宗皇后輓詩 Mitsumune Empress lament
賀費樞密登卞忠貞公墓 He Fei Teng senator Bian Allegiance necropolis
紅藥當階翻 Flower of chinese harbaceous peony When the band turned
汲井溉田民亦勞止歌以相之 Drain well irrigated field of the public also to phase of labor only song