中华人民共和国 毛泽东 Mao Zedong  中华人民共和国   (1893~1976)
沁园春·长沙 s poem Changsha Municipality
菩萨蛮·黄鹤楼 Song Form Tower of Yellow Crane
西江月·井岗山 The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river Jing-gang Mountain
清平乐·蒋桂战争 Qingping yue Jiang Gui outbreak
采桑子·重阳 Cai Sangzi the Double Ninth Festival
如梦令·元旦 s Day
减字木兰花·广昌路上 Jianzimu orchid Guangchang parking lane
蝶恋花·从汀州向长沙 Butterfly in love Loose the Changsha Municipality
渔家傲·反第一次大围剿 Yu jia ao anti- First big encircle and annihilate
渔家傲·反第二次大围剿 Yu jia ao anti- Second big encircle and annihilate
菩萨蛮·大柏地 Song form Dabaidi
清平乐·会昌 Qingping yue Huichang
忆秦娥·娄山关 Same name Loushanguan
十六字令三首 Caroche Word Order 3
七律·长征 an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme expedition
念奴娇·昆仑 Stories of k'un lun
清平乐·六盘山 Qingping Yue Liupan Mountains
沁园春·雪 SNOW--to the tune of Chin Yuan Chun
七律·人民解放军占领南京 an eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme People's liberation army take Nanjing
七律·和柳亚子先生 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme and Liu yazi baas
浣溪沙·和柳亚子先生 Huan Xisha and Liu yazi baas
浪淘沙·北戴河 Waves North Day River
水调歌头·游泳 Shuidiaogetou Swimming
蝶恋花·答李淑一 Butterfly in love answer Li shu uni-
七律仄起首句不押韵 An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme narrow At first Goubu rhyme
      ——都六月三十日人民日报,余江县消灭了血吸虫。浮想联翩, 夜不能寐。微风拂煦,旭日临窗。遥望南天,欣然命笔。


  绿水青山枉自多, 华陀无奈小虫何。
  千村薜荔人遗矢, 万户萧疏鬼唱歌。
  坐地日行八万里, 巡天遥看一千河。
  牛郎欲问瘟神事, 一样悲欢逐逝波。
