憶王孫 recall prince's descendant
賀新郎(寄李伯紀丞相) Congratulate benedict Send Bo-Ji prime minister
賀新郎(送鬍邦衡待製) congratulate benedict Songhubangheng (in ancient China) an advisor
滿江紅(自豫章阻風吳城山作) Azolla from Tree or camphor tree Wind resistance Wu cheng Hill for
蘭陵王 Emperor and the assassin
蘭陵王 Emperor and the assassin
念奴嬌 Stories of
念奴嬌(丁卯上巳,燕集葉尚書蕊香堂賞海棠,即席賦之) Stories of Ding mao,the fourth of the cycle of the sixty in the chinese calendar Shangsi _Set_ Ye Yan Shang shu Rui Xiang Tong Tour Chinese cherry apple Extempore Fu
念奴嬌(代洛濱次石林韻) Stories of On behalf of the Luo Bin times Hoodoos charm
念奴嬌(題徐明叔海月吟笛圖) Stories of inscribe Xu mingshu Sea chart on Yin Tik
念奴嬌 Stories of
念奴嬌(己卯中秋和陳丈少卿韻) Stories of The Spring Mid-autumn And Chen Yun husband Shaoqing
石州慢 Slow Rock State
石州慢(己酉秋吳興舟中作) Slow rock state Jiyouqiuwuxing Boat for
永遇樂(為洛濱橫山作) Yong yule Weiluobin Hengshan work
八聲甘州(陪筠翁小酌橫山閣) Bashengganzhou Accompany Yun Weng A little drink, or a few drinks (of some alcoholic beverage) Hengshan cabinet
八聲甘州(西湖有感寄劉晞顔) Bashengganzhou The west lake Thoughts Send Liu Xi Yan
水調歌頭(和薌林居士中秋) Shuidiaogetou And Xiang Forest home bachelor mid-autumn
水調歌頭(陪福帥宴集口占以授官奴) Shuidiaogetou Accompanying Fu Shuai Feast To improvise To grant Official slave
水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou
水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou
水調歌頭(過後柳故居) Shuidiaogetou Later willow Former Residence
古詩 ancient style poetry
山寺輞川圖。 霜葉雲林錦綉居。 壽斝浮春珠翠擁,歡娛。 滿院流泉繞綺疏。 道氣自膚腴。 幾席輕塵一點無。 天要耆英修相業,清都。 已有泥書降玉除。 捲珠簾(壽) 祥景飛光盈袞綉。 流慶昆臺,自是神仙胄。 誰遣陽和放春透。 化工重入丹青手。 雲璈錦瑟爭為壽。 玉帶金魚,共願人長久。 偷取蟠桃薦芳酒。 更看南極星朝鬥。