唐代 郎士元 Lang Shiyuan  唐代  
琴曲歌辞·湘夫人 Qin Songs name of a river begum
题刘相公三湘图 Liu Xiang Gong issue Sunshine chart
长安逢故人 Chang'an meet decedent
送韦湛判官 Send Wei Zhan official
送孙愿 Sun is willing to send
送林宗配雷州(一作送王棼流雷州) Lin sent for delivery with a king confused Leizhou flow Leizhou
送洪州李别驾之任 The office sent the Hongzhou Li Biejia
送杨中丞和蕃 Send Yang An official's name And Fan
送李将军赴定州(一作送彭将军) To Li Check Peng sent one to go Dingzhou check
关羽祠送高员外还荆州 Guan yu Temple to send high Ministry councillor hand over the amount of sth jing Township
送张南史(一作寄李纾) accompany Zhang nashi To send a Li Shu
送陆员外赴潮州 Send lu ministry councillor Go to Chaozhou
送裴补阙入河南幕 Send Pei Buque to enter Henan province act
送韩司直路出延陵(一作刘长卿诗) Songhansizhi Way out of Yanling 1 for Liu changqing poem
送元诜还丹阳别业 Send Yuan Shen Dan also 'male' principle villa
送崔侍御往容州宣慰 Tournament to allow the state to send Cui Shiyu
朱方南郭留别皇甫冉(一作皇甫冉诗:润州南郭留别) Zhufangnanguo give souvenir on parting huangfu ran 1 for Huangfu ran poem Guo Runzhou South Give souvenir on parting
赠张五諲归濠州别业 Five Yin Zhang Hao Zhou return gifts villa
送王司马赴润州 Send Wang Minister of war in ancient china Go Runzhou
留卢秦卿(一作司空曙诗) Liuluqinqing 1 for Sikong shu poem
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷248_42
