赠韦司直 Direct grant Wei Division
石城馆酬王将军 Fortress Wang Museum of pay check
酬王季友题半日村别业兼呈李明府 Wangji You pay issues Half a day Village Villa And was Li ming changwat
塞下曲 Cyprus under the curve
宿杜判官江楼 Su Du Official River Building
春宴王补阙城东别业 s spring gathering Buque Chengdong villa
听邻家吹笙 Tin Neighbour Flutist
登丹阳北楼(一作张继诗) Dengdanyang North Tower 1 for Zhang ji poem
题精舍寺(一作酬王季友秋夜宿露台寺见寄) Inscribe teaching room temple One to pay Wangji You Autumn night lodge for the night Terrace Send Temple see
双林寺谒傅大士 Shuanglin Temple Ye Fu Tuas
题尹真人祠 Yin title In the flesh ancestral hall
山中即事 In the mountains That is something
湘夫人二首(乐府诗作一首) Name of a river begum 2 Official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) poetry a (poem)
盖少府新除江南尉问风俗 about Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty New addition South of the changjiang river Wei Q custom
春宴张舍人宅 Zhang Scheeren house spring gathering
寄李袁州桑落酒 Send Lee Yuanzhou mulberry wine down
送大德讲时河东徐明府招 accompany Outstanding merits and virtues Talk time Hedong Xu Ming House bills
赴无锡别灵一上人(一作刘长卿诗,一作皇甫冉诗) attend Wuxi allo- Ling yi Buddhist monk 1 for liu changqing poem 1 for Huangfu ran poem
古诗 ancient style poetry
闻君感叹二毛初,旧友相依万里馀。烽火有时惊暂定, 甲兵无处可安居。客来吴地星霜久,家在平陵音信疏。 昨日风光还入户,登山临水意何如。
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