唐代 唐彦谦 Tang Yanqian  唐代  
逢韓喜 Every Han Xi
夜坐示友 Night sitting Friends said
梅亭 Baitei
歲除 New Year’ s Eve
詠月 Ode to the Moon
聞應德茂先離棠溪 Wen Ying Demao First off Tangxi
鬆 loose
梅 plum
蘭二首 Lan 2
葡萄 Vitis vinifera
春草 Spring grass
漁 fishing
留別四首 Give souvenir on parting 4
秋葵 okra
春草 Spring grass
春日偶成 Spring Even as
秋日感懷 Autumn recall with emotion
七夕 the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
懷友 Huai You
翡翠 emerald
詠馬二首 Yong ma 2
留別 give souvenir on parting
詠竹 Yong Zhu
憶孟浩然 recall Meng Haoran
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 672_5
