唐代 权德舆 Quan Deyu  唐代   (759~818)
江城夜泊寄所思 River city night lodge at one's thoughts
晓 dawn
昼 day
晚 evening
夜 dark
奉和韦谏议奉送水部家兄上后书情…呈两省阁老院长 Feng and (surname) Jian yi Hand sb. sth. on a plate Mizube My elder brother Shanghou Book love Chengliangsheng Gelao dean
奉和史馆张阁老以许陈二阁长…南北省会于左掖因而有咏 institute Zhang ge Old Hsu Chen 2 Court long North and south Capital Tuck in the left So There Yong
酬张秘监阁老喜太常中书二阁老与德舆同日迁官…之作 Chouzhangmijian Gelao to be fond of An offical who controls ritual,god of land and god of grains In book 2 Gelao And Germany and public opinion for the same day Qianguan of
过隐者湖上所居 across Anchorite Lake The Home
从叔将军宅蔷薇花开太府韦卿有题壁长句因以和作 Father's paternal male cousins who are younger than him Check house Rose Wei Qing government had opened too Write on the wall Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line To and as a result of
奉和许阁老霁后慈恩寺杏园看花同用花字口号 Feng and allow Gelao After Ji Jionji Apricot garden See the flowers With the use of Flower characters slogan
奉和陈阁老寒食初假当直从东省往集贤…寄张蒋二阁老 Feng and exhibit, display Gelao Cold Food straight from the beginning of leave when the East Province, Chang Jiang 2 to Jixian Send Gelao
晚秋陪崔阁老、张秘监阁老、苗…斐然酬和有愧芜音 Late autumn Accompany Cui Gelao Zhang secret prison Gelao Tony Freeland Respond (to a poem) with a poem Deserve the Wuhu Music
与沈十九拾遗同游栖霞寺上方于亮上人院会宿二首 And Shen Nineteen Gleaning alike Qixia temple tour At the head of Yu Liang Buddhist monk Hospitals will be places 2
题崔山人草堂 Cui title Hermit thatched cottage
徐孺亭马上口号 Xu Ru Ting Anon slogan
张工部至薄寒山下有书无由驰报輤车之至倍切悲怀 sheet (in old china) the ministry of public works extremely Bo han Yamashita has written Have no way (of doing sth.) Chibaoqianju Be lost in All times sad feeling
工部发引日属伤足卧疾不遂执绋 (in old china) the ministry of public works Fayinrishu foot injury Lying disease fail to materialize attend a funeral
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷325_37
