唐代 权德舆 Quan Deyu  唐代   (759~818)
书绅诗 Gentry poetry book
侍从游后湖宴坐 Minister swim Rear lake sit at ease
郊居岁暮因书所怀 Country home the dying year By the book the ideas in one's mind
暮春闲居示同志 End of spring Grass instruct compeer
浩歌 Hao Ge
与道者同守庚申 And the Road are the same Code Gengshen
丙寅岁苦贫戏题 Bingyin-year-old suffered poor Movie title
独酌 Drinking Alone by Moonlight
知非 Known non-
诫言 Commandment Introduction
醉后 To drink
奉和李相公早朝于中书候传点偶书所怀奉呈门…中书相公 Feng and Li Xiang Gong Levee Books wait to be at the point Even the book The ideas in one's mind Bong was Door in the book xianggongzhuang
奉和于司空二十五丈新卜城南郊…奉献兼呈李裴相公 Feng and for Minister of public works in ancient china Twenty five The new BU husband South outskirt Dedicate Jianchenglipei xianggongzhuang
奉和新卜城南郊居得与卫右丞邻舍,因赋诗寄赠 Feng and New Bu South You Cheng Wei was with the rural home Vicinage mourn for Indite Complimentary Copy
奉和韦曲庄言怀,贻东曲外族诸弟 Feng and Wei qu Village Yan wai Yidongqu People not of the same clan Zhudi
和王侍郎病中领度支,烦迫之馀,过西园书堂闲望 And Wang Assistant minister Disease led Finance Trouble had forced the rest of the West Park Church book Look busy
奉和度支李侍郎早朝 Feng and Finance (a surname) Assistant minister levee
奉和刘侍郎司徒奉诏伐叛书情呈宰相 Feng and surname Assistant minister Sze-to Feng Zhao Cutting rebel Book love assume prime minister (in feudal China)
奉和鄜州刘大夫麦秋出师遮虏有怀中朝亲故 Feng and Carnival state Liu Doctor Wheat harvest season Serve out one's apprenticeship Cover prisoner has In the arms toward relatives and old acquaintances
太原郑尚书远寄新诗,走笔酬赠,因代书贺 Taiyuan city state in today's Henan Shang shu Send poetry far Write rapidly Reward grant mourn for Allograph congratulate
奉和许阁老酬淮南崔十七端公见寄 Feng and allow Gelao fulfil The middle part of anhui province (surname) Seventeen End public See Send
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷320_23
