留别成父弟以贫贱亲戚离为韵五首 Give souvenir on parting Chengfudiyi Poor and lowly Belongings From the rhyme 5
留别成父弟以贫贱亲戚离为韵五首 Give souvenir on parting Chengfudiyi Poor and lowly Belongings From the rhyme 5
留别成父弟以贫贱亲戚离为韵五首 Give souvenir on parting Chengfudiyi Poor and lowly Belongings From the rhyme 5
留别成父弟以贫贱亲戚离为韵五首 Give souvenir on parting Chengfudiyi Poor and lowly Belongings From the rhyme 5
留别成父弟以贫贱亲戚离为韵五首 Give souvenir on parting Chengfudiyi Poor and lowly Belongings From the rhyme 5
留别叔骥和叔 Give souvenir on parting Ji and Shu Shu
留别徐斯远时斯远将赴朱晦庵之约三首 Give souvenir on parting Xu Si Far away will go to Sri Lanka Zhu hui Um of about 3
留别徐斯远时斯远将赴朱晦庵之约三首 Give souvenir on parting Xu Si Far away will go to Sri Lanka Zhu hui Um of about 3
留别徐斯远时斯远将赴朱晦庵之约三首 Give souvenir on parting Xu Si Far away will go to Sri Lanka Zhu hui Um of about 3
留别俞孝显孝扬 Give souvenir on parting Xiao Yang Xiao Yu was
留别在伯 Give souvenir on parting In Bo
留别折子明丈二首 Give souvenir on parting Booklet in accordion form with a slipcase, used for keeping accounts, etc. Ming Joji first
留别周参政诗二首 Give souvenir on parting week Participate in the management of state affairs Two Poems
留别周参政诗二首 Give souvenir on parting week Participate in the management of state affairs Two Poems
留别周愚卿兄弟 Give souvenir on parting Zhou Yu Qing brethren
留别子肃 Give souvenir on parting E Su
留别子肃子仪三首 Give souvenir on parting e su Ziyi 3
留别子肃子仪三首 Give souvenir on parting e su Ziyi 3
古诗 ancient style poetry
秋日苦易暗,秋宵苦难晨。 虫号鸡不已,我亦长吟呻。 哀哉念何深,出处累一贫。 在家庸可忍,行旅计愁人。