宋代 赵蕃 Zhao Bo  宋代  
连日得顺风 Day after day gain downwind
连日风雨有怀沈仲良欧阳全真 Day after day Rough Are pregnant Chen Zhongliang Surname All true
连日与邢伯方兄弟饮成四十字 Day after day And Xing Bo Fang brother Brother drink into four cross
连日雨作顿有秋意怀感之余得诗七首书呈教授知悬 Day after day Rain for Cotton has Autumn I was pregnant with a sense of the poem was written 7 Professor Hanging known
连日雨作顿有秋意怀感之余得诗七首书呈教授知悬 Day after day Rain for Cotton has Autumn I was pregnant with a sense of the poem was written 7 Professor Hanging known
连日雨作顿有秋意怀感之余得诗七首书呈教授知悬 Day after day Rain for Cotton has Autumn I was pregnant with a sense of the poem was written 7 Professor Hanging known
连日雨作顿有秋意怀感之余得诗七首书呈教授知悬 Day after day Rain for Cotton has Autumn I was pregnant with a sense of the poem was written 7 Professor Hanging known
连日欲雨辄为风所败 Day after day For rain To frequently defeated by the wind
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雪不已复作绝句咏之及六而止殆未免不愁冻杀之诮也 With snow Laugh one's head off Complex for Quatrains Wing and six shelling ceased Scots Rather Feel no anxiety about Too cold to kill the blame
连雨 With rain
连雨 With rain
连雨独饮偶书四首 With rain Drink alone Even the book 4
连雨独饮偶书四首 With rain Drink alone Even the book 4
古诗 ancient style poetry


