九日浮梁有约登高者以病不赴 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Fuliang Be under an engagement (to) Ascend To the patients who did not go
九日和陶 the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar And Tao
九月六日发舟齐山下呈祝静得蔡君瑞 September On the 6th made boat (surname) mountain The next was so quiet Caijun Rui Zhu
久旱得雨连阴弥旬农者云复宜得数日晴作二龙行 Long drought deyu Lian Yin Mixunnongzhe cloud complex should The solution of a problem in arithmetic Long lines for two days clear
客舍 hotel
连雨郁蒸夜不能寐 With rain Muggy dark Cannot sleep
梁必大归自燕山有诗问讯以诗答之 Beam will have a large return from the Yanshan Shi Waylay A verse of
六月郡庠尊经阁前种竹三得雨书喜示同舍 Adar Respect by the Court before the county asylum for the aged Species of bamboo three Deyu Books Xishitongshe
落花 blossom drop
孟使君饯行即席以几时杯重把分韵得几字 what time Cup weight to Sub-yun Have a few words
梦真三首 Dream True 3
南北舟 North and south boat
陪外舅谨斋洎雅山准轩三吴先生游西园摘新茶汲泉煮之香味殊胜焙者 accompany Father-in-law JI would like to fast quasi-Villa 3 Wu Ya Shan Baas swim West park garden cull New tea Ji Quan in cooking Perfume Sacred baking were
彭蠡阻风 another name of the Poyang Lake Wind resistance