宋代 张耒 Zhang Lei  宋代   (1053~1114)
shí wēi Food Wei
shí xiè Crab
shì dào zhī nán shān As the Pirate Zhongnanshan
shì Test document
shì Ink test
shì yuàn shì chéng zhū gōng
shǒu zhǒng jiāo qiū lái shèng chéng 'èr cóng cheiro- Species banana Autumn Into two large bundles containing special
shòu 'ān huái Life Safety meditate on the past
shòu yáng Shouyang song
shòu yáng lóu xià zhōu yòu gǎn Shouyang Downstairs Bo Zhou Thoughts
shū Book Wall
shū Book Wall
shū chū liáng zhì jiāng xiǎo: { líng shòu zuò }
shū guǎn zhí shè
shū shì cháo yìng zhī Book thing Send Chao should be the
shū zhōng suǒ jiàn shǒu
shū zhōng suǒ jiàn shǒu
shū zhōng suǒ jiàn shǒu
shū yǐng zhōu huáng jiào shū shì
shū zhí shè
shū méi 'èr shǒu
shū méi 'èr shǒu
shǔ guò yòu měi wéi bīn jiàn rǎo qǐn 'ān fèng huái bīn lǎo zhī shì Summer drug Have no choice but They each had to Guest See disturbance Afternoon sleep Agitation Fenghuaibinlao The simplest and most common characters Things are
shuāi Failure load
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
shí wēi


  suì qióng yīn jiěduǎn guò qiáng wēi
   yōu niǎo chuān lín xiǎohán zhuó shù
   bīng shuāng lǐng zhuàngyān huǒ jǐng
   lǎo zhuō 'ān xián xīn yàn shí wēi
