唐代 顾况 Gu Kuang  唐代   (727~815)
奉酬茅山赠赐并简綦毋正字 Feng pay Maoshan Gift giving And Jane Wu Qi correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word
春鸟词送元秀才入京 Spring Niaocisongyuan Xiucai Entering Beijing
别江南 allo- south of the Changjiang River
上元夜忆长安 The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) Recalling the night Chang'an
酬扬州白塔寺永上人 fulfil Yangzhou John White Dagoba Buddhist monk
送韦秀才赴举 Send Wei Xiucai Go give
历阳苦雨(一作夜雨) Li Yang Ku Yu 1 for Night Rain
伤大理谢少卿 Dali Xie Shaoqing injury
经徐侍郎墓作 By Xu Assistant minister Tomb for
酅公合祔挽歌 place name Deciliter worship ancestors coronach
相国晋公挽歌二首 Jin-phase state of public Coronach 2
晋公魏国夫人柳氏挽歌 Jin Wei public Country begum Liu Shi coronach
义川公主挽词 Yoshikawa Archduchess Wan-term
忆山中 recall in the mountains
宿湖边山寺 Lake Su Temple
湖南客中春望 Hunan Visitor Spring Hope
闲居怀旧 grass nostalgia
寄江南鹤林寺石冰上人 lodge at South of the changjiang river Crane monastery rock ice Buddhist monk
乐府 official conservatory in the Han ynasty (206B.C.-A.D.220)
送从兄使新罗 accompany Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself The new Law
山居即事 To live away from civilization That matter
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷266_11
