唐代 顾况 Gu Kuang  唐代   (727~815)
獨遊青竜寺 Independent travel Seiryuji
從江西至彭蠡入浙西淮南界道中寄齊相公 frae Jiangxi extremely Another name of the poyang lake Into the west of Zhejiang The middle part of anhui province Street Send Qi Xiang Gong in
寄上兵部韓侍郎奉呈李戶部、盧刑部、杜三侍郎 Send Department of war in feudal china (former) Chinese state Assistant minister Bong was (a surname) The board of revenue and population (surname) The ministry of punishments in feudal china Du 3 assistant minister
長安竇明府後亭 Chang'an Sinus after the next House Pavilion
謝王郎中見贈琴鶴 Hsieh Wang Physician trained in herb medicine Jianzengqinhe
和翰林吳捨人兄弟西齋 and Member of the imperial academy Wu Scheeren Brethren Xizhai
望初月簡於吏部 hope First month Simplicity Ministry of Official Personal Affairs in feudal China
上湖至破山贈文周蕭元植 On the lake to break the text Zhou Xiao Yuan Shan plant gift
酬信州劉侍郎兄 Liu pay Shinshu Assistant minister man or boy having the same parents as another person
奉酬劉侍郎 Feng pay surname assistant minister
酬本部韋左司 fulfil Base Wei Zuo Division
酬房杭州 Pay room Hangzhou
酬漳州張九使君 Pay Zhangzhou Zhang 9 honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
在滁苦雨歸桃花崦傷親友略盡 Peach Blossom in the Chu Ku Yu Yan Mountain injury return Relatives and friends Doing what
苦雨(一本題下有思歸桃花崦五字) Ku Yu A copy Under title Sigui Five words Peach Yan Mountain
贈別崔十三長官 Parting words (surname) A baker's `dozen thirteen prefect
哭從兄萇 cry Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself averrhora carambola
華山西岡遊贈隱玄叟 China Shanxi Gang Yu Zengyinxuansou
歸陽蕭寺有丁行者能修無生忍擔水施僧況歸命稽首作詩 IIB Xiao temple We have a small Fakir Health and tolerance can not carry water facilities repair status Monk Gui ming kotow poetry
烏啼麯二首 Wu Ti Qu 2
幽居弄 Get house arrest
公子行 Son line
古詩 ancient style poetry




【資料來源】 264_23
