送少微上人东南游 Send a small micro- Buddhist monk Southeast swim
赠送崔子向 Presentation Cuizixiang
答刘长卿七里濑重送 answer Liu changqing Qili _Set_o Replay
岁初喜皇甫侍御至 Suichuxi A surname Shi yu To
送舍弟 songshedi
咏孩子 chant son
酬谢侍御喜王宇及第见贺不遇之作 Thank sb.with a gift Shi yu to be fond of Wang yu Pass an imperial examination Jianhe Fail to achieve one's success Zhizuo
秋日与诸公文会天□寺 Autumn And all Archives Temple will be days
发桐户寄刘员外 Fatonghuji Liu ministry councillor
秋夜船行 Autumn night Ship
游灞陵山 Swim Baling tomb Mountain
重送新安刘员外 Replay Xin'an surname ministry councillor
忆长安·五月(共十二咏,丘丹等同赋,各见本集) recall Chang'an May altogether Troubadour chant Qiu dan Equate Fu, see the _set_ of all
状江南·季春(共十二咏,丘丹等同赋,各见本集) account South of the changjiang river The last month of spring altogether Troubadour chant Qiu dan equate poetic essay See the _set_ of all