宿法华寺 lodge for the night Hokkeji
送薛居士和州读书 Send Xue A layman buddhist State study
送李端(一作卢纶诗) accompany Li Duan 1 for Lu lun poem
宿天竺寺 lodge for the night India temple
丹阳送韦参军 Danyang send Wei enroll
酬普选二上人期相会见寄 fulfil General election twain Buddhist monk a period of time Meet See Send
相里使君宅听澄上人吹小管 Phase in Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Home listen Cheng Buddhist monk blow canula
赠别至弘上人 Parting words To Hong Buddhist monk
奉和刘祭酒伤白马(此马敕赐宁王,转赠祭酒) Feng and Liu Ji Jiu injury White horse The Prince Ning Ma Chi Ci Make a present of sth.given to one Evolution of the Imperial
哭灵一上人 Weep or cry before the bier uni- Buddhist monk
题鲍行军小阁 Bao title Hike Xiao Ge
陪皇甫大夫谒禹庙 accompany Huangfu dafu Ye Yu Temple
同王征君湘中有怀(一作张谓诗) same Wang zheng Monarch Hunan Are pregnant 1 for Zhang wei poem
奉和皇甫大夫祈雨应时雨降 seasonable Rain
赠别刘长卿时赴河南严中丞幕府 Parting Words Liu changqing Time to go Henan province severe An official's name office of the commanding officer
夏日纳凉 summertime enjoy the cool in the open air
僧房避暑 Sengfang summer
九日登高 the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar ascend
九月十日即事 September On the 10th or something
送丘为下第归苏州 Accompany qiu wei fail in an exam return Suzhou (city)
古诗 ancient style poetry
一夕雨沉沉,哀猿万木阴。天龙来护法,长老密看心。 鱼梵空山静,纱灯古殿深。无生久已学,白发浪相侵。
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