唐昌观玉蕊花 TANG Chang View Lecythidaceae flower
九日登丛台 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar ascend Congtai
题酸枣县蔡中郎碑 inscribe Zizyphus jujube County Caizhong Lang Monument
江陵使至汝州 Jiangling so to Yu Chau
十五夜望月寄杜郎中 Fifteen Night hope Send Du month physician trained in herb medicine
寄同州田长史 aide
宫词一百首 Palace lyrics Hundred head
句 sentence
横吹曲辞·陇头水 The music diction mountain located between Shanxi best-quality (goods)
横吹曲辞·望行人 The music diction hope pedestrian
相和歌辞·从军行 In proper proportion Songs Attest Row
相和歌辞·乌夜啼 In proper proportion Songs Wu Yeti
舞曲歌辞·白纻歌二首 Dance Songs Song bai zhu 2
杂曲歌辞·江南三台四首 Potpourri songs South of the changjiang river Three four
杂曲歌辞·宫中调笑 Potpourri songs Palace Tease
酬张十八病中寄诗 fulfil Sheet the number 18 Send poems disease
三台(宫中二首,江南四首) Three Palace 2 South of the changjiang river 4
调笑令(即宫中调笑) Make fun of that namely Palace Tease
宫词 Palace Lyrics
古诗 ancient style poetry
一树笼松玉刻成,飘廊点地色轻轻。 女冠夜觅香来处,唯见阶前碎月明。
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