避地冬夜与二三禅侣吟集茅斋 To avoid Winter night With the February 3 Zen companion Poetry Collection Mao Zhai
吊草堂禅师 condole Thatched cottage honorific title for a Buddhist monk
宿长安苏雍主簿厅 lodge for the night Chang'an Su Yong main Book room
秋宿润州刘处士江亭 Qiu Liu Su Runzhou Department disabilities Jiang Ting
秋日曲江书事 Autumn Bend River Book thing
秋宿经上人房 Places by autumn Buddhist monk antrum
冬日题觉公牛头兰若 Winter Title feel Bull cephal- temple
送皇甫校书自蜀下峡,归觐襄阳 accompany A surname School books from Sichuan Under the gap Return Jin Xiangyang
题西明寺攻文僧林复上人房 Buddhist Temple Attack Man title Ximing Lin Fu Buddhist monk antrum
寄翠微无可上人(一作无学禅师) Lodge at a shady retreat on a green hill mo ke buddhist monk one Play a losing [winning] game study honorific title for a Buddhist monk
喜鸾公自蜀归 Hi Luangongzishu return
题新安国寺 Topic Ankokuji
颜上人房(一作题西明自觉上人房) colour Buddhist monk Room 1 for title Nishiaki Consciousness Buddhist monk antrum