唐代 李德裕 Li Deyu  唐代   (787~850)
rén chá Decedent Send Tea
fèng sòng xiànggōng shí zhàng zhèn yáng zhōu zuò wáng yóu gǎn jiù) Hand sb. sth. on a plate Xianggongzhuang The number 18 Husband Town Yangzhou And one for Wang bo swim Former residence to remember the deceased with emotion
jiàn mén
hàn zhōu yuè yóu fáng tài wèi
zhòng Re-title
fáng gōng jiù zhú tíng wén qín miǎn fēng liú shén zài yīn zhòng zuò Old Bamboo Pavilion public house Wen Qin Mu Myanmar Distinguished and admirable God as the result of Re-title This as
jīn mén jiù yóu fèng jiāng shěn recall Golden gate Formerly-visited place Send it Jiangxi a chronic disease doctor
zǎo zhōng shū xíng gōng zhù shì dēng xián chéng yǒng
luó shí shí shàng) inscribe Oval kumquat Carved stone for crevice
zhòng guò liè miào zhuī gǎn qǐng nián huái shǒu wáng shè yùn fèng
yáo shāng máo shān xiàn sūn zūn shī sān shǒu Remote injury Maoshan County Sun Respect the teacher 3
zūn shī shì táo yuán huáng xiān shēng chuán cháng jiàn zūn shī chēng xiān shī líng jiù guǎn Respect the teacher Is Taoyuan Huang Baas Communication Law Descendant Usual Respect the teacher weigh Confucius Ling trace Old Building
shè xiànggōng 'ǒu huà xián zhāng xué shì tīng xiěde xiàn shī Even if the so Pushe xianggongzhuang Zhang Jixian Bachelor Starling poem written offer Office
huì quán Huiquan
guān gài zài xiāng zhōu nán shān xià) inscribe Crown cover In the South in Xiangzhou Big mountain below
píng quán shàng zuò zuò dōng píng quán
zhé lǐng nán dào zhōng zuò blame South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Road to
dào 'è dǎo To the evil Lo Island Creek Bridge at Night
dēng zhōu chéng zuò Dengya A town within a "zhou" work
yuān yāng piān Yuanyang articles
nán liáng xíng 'èr shí 'èr xiōng) South beam line and Score Second Brother
jìn chuān shān jiāng mìng zhě huà 'ér zhì xīn rán yòu gǎnqīng tián tāi huà Nigh Yi Chuanbo To live away from civilization To life by Draw a picture And to Agreeably Thoughts Qingtian fetal metapher of the dead
píng quán shān zèng shěn shǒuzhōng shū zuò
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
rén chá


  jiàn wài jiǔ huá yīngjiān xià jīngkāi shí wēi yuè shàngniǎn chù luàn quán shēng
   bàn yāo sēng zhì yín duì zhú pēng liú xiá jiǎo suìxiāng fàn huā qīng
   liù shuì shén shù cháo shī qīng gǎn fèiliú bàn shū xíng

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 475_25
