唐代 窦常 Dou Chang  唐代  
wǎn fāng shān jīng shěquè zhāng jiàn yuán wài evening Googol Mountain Teaching room Send it Zhang jian ministry councillor
péi duān gōng shū chéng qiū jiǎn yuǎn jìn qīn zhī And PEI End public Shu Kaburagi Qiu xi simple, terse, succinct, a letter Far and near get the information in person
xiàng tíng huái
fèng shǐ hái zǎo xiǎo jiàn guǎn chú zhōu mài Ancient Korea West also Premature Small Stream Museum Send Lu Chuzhou old
zǎo jīn gōu diàn shí táng 'èr mào cái skilful writer
zhōng chūn yáng huán En route The beginning of spring lodge at Yang Huanba
jiān dān yáng jùn gōng yán líng bāo gōng wǎn Danyang so secret prison owned High Yanling Bei cong2 zhong lai2 draw libretto
liáng guó huì kāng gōng zhù wǎn Cool Country Wellcome archduchess coronach
zhāng cāng cáo nán shǐ Kuzhangcangcao Appreciative
běi wǎn tiào North-solid Late Tiao
sān miào Ye Sanlv Temple
máo shān zèng liáng zūn shī Maoshan gift Liang respect the teacher
zhū hóu miào to visit (a superior) Surname wuhou temple
fèng tài bǎo gōng chéng 'ēn zhì zhèng Feng he Assistant grand tutor Qi Kung To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) To government
zhī rèn línghán shí sōng xiān liú yuán wài Of any Wuling tomb Cold food day tu ci songzi transition First sent Liu Ministry councillor Woo-Suk
fèng chén zhōu fáng shǐ jūn láng zhōng Send it ChenZhou room Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china physician trained in herb medicine
chūn hòu yán huái zhāo biàn zhōu kuāng tuī The beginning of spring Gossips behind one's back Huaizhaobianzhou Li kuang Yatui
fèng sòng zhí fāng cuī yuán wài shè zhōng chéng xīn luó shǐ Hand sb. sth. on a plate Cui staff Ministry councillor absorb An official's name Silla book to
chóu shè móu qiū luò yáng guān shè huái shí yùn
qiú shì Seeking self-test
huā shàng lín Flower hair Shanglin
guò sòng shì jiù sòng shì rénzhēn yuán zhōng tóng gōng
hái jīng Beijing also music libretto
shāng shān táng shì
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
zhū hóu miào


  yǒng 'ān gōng wài yòu táng shuǐ 'ēn shēn zuò chángjiǎo fāng chū tuì shè
   chēng sān hàn gèng wángrén tóng guò liú yǐngshí zài qióng shā shàng xíng
   guī shǔ jiàng jìng shìwéi líng wéi gòng cāng cāng

【zīliàoláiyuán】 juàn 271_22
