宋代 石延年 Dan Yannian  宋代  
què qiáo xiān ) Magpie fairies the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) vocable
yàn guī liángchūn chóu
cáo tài wèi zhēng
chóu Preparatory document Relay
chūn lóu shàng Spring upstairs
chūn yīn Chun Yin
cóng congju
dēng huā ear
dēng hòu bèi chù zuò
diào 'èr Diao'er a candidate for the imperial examinations
sōng Ancient pines
guò nèi guān sūn jiǔ bié cóng zèng Guoneiguan Sun can be A long separation Congfuzeng
hán yǐn jūn wēi Hanxizuyinjun Wuwei
shū shì láng yīn kàn hǎi táng jìn yuàn huā zuì shèng And senator Assistant minister By looking Chinese cherry apple recall Ban townhouse This flower height
hóng méi Plum
shàng níng guǎn
yǐn shī
jiàn offer, present
jīn xiāng zhāng shì yuán tíng
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry


  shuǐ huó bīng zhī róu shù yòu chūn
