宋代 谢逸 Xie Yi  宋代   (1066~1113)
dié liàn huā Butterfly in Love
suō xíng Tasha Hang
mán Song Form
mán Song Form
cǎi sāng Cai Sangzi
cǎi sāng Cai Sangzi
cǎi sāng Cai Sangzi
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
jiāng yuèchén cuì · shàng
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
jiāng yuèdài rén shàng shǒu shēng ) The west point on the horizon where the sun __set__s the moon's reflection on a river Dairenshangxushou a birthday [Christmas] gift
jiāng yuèsòng zhū pàn yīng) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river Songzhupanying
jiāng yuè róng
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
nán Southern Poems
měi rén the field [red] poppy
měi rén the field [red] poppy
měi rén the field [red] poppy
jīn mén Ye Golden Gate
mèng lìng Like a Dream
mèng lìng Like a Dream
qīng 'àn Qing Yuan
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry


  fēng jiǎn bīng huā fēi líng luàn
   yìng méi shāo yǐng yáo qīng qiǎn
   xiù hán qīng
lán xūn yān nuǎn
   yàn cuī jīn juàn
   yóu liáng jué xiāng juàn
   niánzhōu huái nán 'àn
   bié hòu xiāo húnlěng yuán hán yàn
   jiǎo shēng zhǐ sòng huáng hūn yuàn
