唐代 吕岩 Lv Yan  唐代  
呈鐘離雲房 assume Chung-li Cloud Room
得火竜眞人劍法 a procession of lanterns or torches in the flesh swordsmanship
七言 Seven
七言 Seven
眞人行巴陵市太守怒其不避使案吏具其罪眞人…詩曰 In the flesh Row Baling tomb Municipal Procurator Angry Make light of employ Officials in the case of With incrimination In the flesh Poem says
仙樂侑席 I Xianle Yoo
題桐柏山黃先生庵門 Question Tongbaishan Huang Baas An Men
五言 Wu Yan
絶句 Quatrains
徽宗齋會 Emperor huizong of the song dynasty whose reign extended from 1101 to 1125 a.d., noted for his accomplishments as an artist Fast will
七夕 the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
贈李德成(德成譱醫) Good gift Li Decheng Tak Medical
答鐘弱翁 Dazhongruoweng
潭州鶴會 Tanzhou Crane will
贈曹先生 Cao gifts baas
海上相逢趙衕 Carriage by sea Come across Zhao same
題鳳翔府天慶觀 inscribe Fung cheung House days Qingguan
劍畫此詩於襄陽雪中 Sword drawn this poem in Yangyang Snow
秦州北山觀留詩 View of left poetry Qinzhou Kitayama
題永康酒樓 Yongkang title Alcohol Building
贈滕宗諒 present Teng Zongliang
古詩 ancient style poetry




【資料來源】 858_13
