唐代 吕岩 Lv Yan  唐代  
漁父詞一十八首·沐浴 Fisherman words uni- The number 18 head ablution
漁父詞一十八首·延壽 Fisherman words uni- The number 18 head prolong life
漁父詞一十八首·瑞鼑 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Rui Ding
漁父詞一十八首·活得 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Live
漁父詞一十八首·燦爛 Fisherman words uni- The number 18 head effulgence
漁父詞一十八首·煉質 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Refining the quality
漁父詞一十八首·知路 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head to know Road
漁父詞一十八首·朝帝 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Towards God
漁父詞一十八首·方契理 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Fang Qi Li
漁父詞一十八首·自無憂 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head From worry
漁父詞一十八首·作甚物 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head For odds and ends
漁父詞一十八首·疾瞥地 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head Disease glance to
漁父詞一十八首·常自在 Fisherman words uni- the number 18 head constant easiness
口占 to improvise
敲爻歌 Yao hit song
三字訣 The words tactics
句 sentence
梧桐影 Indus Film
憶江南 recall south of the Changjiang River
西江月 the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
沁園春 Patio Spring
卜算子 divination operator
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 859_17
