唐代 骆宾王 Luo Binwang  唐代   (640~684)
在獄詠蟬·並序 A Political Prisoner Listening to a Cicada
夏日逰德州贈髙四 Summertime swim Texas Complimentary high 4
在江南贈宋五之問 be South of the changjiang river Song asked five of the gift
晚憩田傢 Open late a farming family
齣石門 to help a joint cause adit
至分陝 extremely Sub-Shan
寓居洛濱對雪憶謝二(一作洛濱對雪憶謝二兄弟) Live Lo Yi-Bin Hsieh 21 on the snow for Lo Yi-Bin Xie 2 on the snow brethren
夏日逰目聊作 Summertime Overlook Talk to
衕崔駙馬曉初登樓思京 s son-in-law Xiaochu Ascend building Si Jing
月夜有懷簡諸衕病 A moonlight night A pregnant Jane Zhu similarly afflicted (people)
敘寄員半千 Syria sent Yuan Banqian
詠懷古意上裴侍郎 Sing of one's feelings Interest and charm of antique taste On PEI assistant minister
過張平子墓 Guo Zhang Pingzi tomb
從軍中行路難二首(一作行軍軍中行路難、軍中行路難) Attest within Passerby adversity 2 1 for Hike Army Passerby adversity Army Passerby adversity
帝京篇 Teikyo articles
疇昔篇 In former times articles
豔情代郭氏答盧照鄰 Romantic love On behalf of the Kwok A Lu ZhaoLin
代女道士王靈妃贈道士李榮 On behalf of women Taoist Wang Ling-fei gifts Taoist Li Rong
從軍行 Attest Row
王昭君(一作昭君怨) Wang zhaojun 1 for Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
於紫雲觀贈道士 The concept of gift Ziyun taoist
渡瓜歩江 To cross Step melon River
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 78_39
