唐代 骆宾王 Luo Binwang  唐代   (640~684)
陪润州薛司空丹徒桂明府游招隐寺 Xue accompany Runzhou Minister of public works in ancient china Dantu Guiming House Tour To recruit people in retirement for government service temple
棹歌行 table a style of old Chinese poems
海曲书情 Sea Love Song Book
蓬莱镇 Penglai Town
和李明府 and Li ming changwat
春晚从李长史游开道林故山 aide You kai Dowling Reason Mountain
冬日野望 Winter Wildness
晚渡黄河 Late transition theYellow River
晚度天山有怀京邑 Twilight Tianshan Are pregnant capital
远使海曲春夜多怀 Far to the sea song Spring evening Many bad
早发诸暨 Premature Zhuji
望月有所思 full moon have one's thoughts
送吴七游蜀 Wu Shu sent seven Tour
西行别东台详正学士 Wester Other details are Eastern Taiwan bachelor
和王记室从赵王春日游陀山寺 And the Kings room from Zhao wang Spring Tuo Temple Tour
夏日夜忆张二 Summertime Night Yi Zhang 2
寒夜独坐游子多怀简知己 Cold night, chilly night Sitting alone Man travelling or residing far away from home Many bad Jane confidant
在军中赠先还知己 First grant in the army also confidant
秋日山行简梁大官 Autumn Chien Liang Shan Line magnate
晚泊江镇 Wanbojiang Town
浮槎 Floating raft
晚泊河曲 Night park bend (of a river)
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷78_54
