水調歌頭(昏發烏江,朝至湖陰,月正午,舟中作) Shuidiaogetou Hunfa Wujiang river Chaozhihuyinyue Midday Boat for
水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou
水調歌頭 Shuidiaogetou
水調歌頭(登甘露寺多景樓望淮有感) Shuidiaogetou Ascend kanroji View more building Wang Huai Thoughts
水調歌頭(戊戍自壽) Shuidiaogetou E Shu from life
六州歌頭(送辛稼軒) Song of the first six states Xin Jiaxuan sent
滿江紅(登石頭城,歸已月生) Azolla ascend Cob city Return has been Hygiene month
沁園春(別陳總帥) Qinyuan Chun do President Chen Shuai
沁園春(壽李通判) Write your life (a surname) an official under county magistrate who administers lawsuit,etc.
沁園春(謝劉小山頻寄所作) Write Your grateful Brae Send the frequency
沁園春(庚午三月望日賦椿堂牡丹) Write Your Gengwu Mar The 15th day of a lunar month poetic essay Chun tang peony
錦堂春(留春) Kam tong chun Stay spring
壺中天(壽丘樞密) Kettle mediation Shou Qiu senator
燭影搖紅(元宵) Zhuyingyaohong night of the 15th of the 1st lunar month
謁金門(用趙帳幹韻) Ye golden gate Zhao account with Dry rhyme
水竜吟(壽李尚書) Shuilong yin Ting Li Shang Shu
喜遷鶯(別陳新恩) Xi ying move Biechenxin'en
喜遷鶯(壽李文昌) Xi ying move Ting Li Wenchang
喜遷鶯(壽薛尚書) Xi ying move Ting Xue Shang Shu
喜遷鶯(壽薛樞密) Xi ying move Ting Xue senator
古詩 ancient style poetry
險崖老虎殺氣驕,一噫三日攪泬漻。 日寒不焰雲飛逃,乾坤蟻轉東南高。 疾勢已作奔天濤,餘威猶捲少陵茅。 魚鱉怖死蛟竜號,舟中性命如鴻毛。 起來危立大江臯,白沙黃塵紛驛騷。 徐呼風伯入蘋蒿,指撝八極建六鰲。 翕張蠹籥吾誰曹,太平之風不鳴條。