唐代 窦常 Dou Chang  唐代  
晚次方山精捨卻寄張薦員外 evening Googol Mountain Teaching room Send it Zhang jian ministry councillor
和裴端公樞蕪城秋夕簡遠近親知 And PEI End public Shu Kaburagi Qiu xi simple, terse, succinct, a letter Far and near get the information in person
奉使西還早發小澗館寄盧滁州邁 Ancient Korea West also Premature Small Stream Museum Send Lu Chuzhou old
早發金鈎店寄奚十唐大二茂纔 skilful writer
途中立春寄楊郇伯 En route The beginning of spring lodge at Yang Huanba
故秘監丹陽郡公延陵包公輓歌詞 Danyang so secret prison owned High Yanling Bei cong2 zhong lai2 draw libretto
涼國惠康公主輓歌 Cool Country Wellcome archduchess coronach
哭張倉曹南史 Kuzhangcangcao Appreciative
北固晚眺 North-solid Late Tiao
謁三閭廟 Ye Sanlv Temple
茅山贈梁尊師 Maoshan gift Liang respect the teacher
謁諸葛武侯廟 to visit (a superior) Surname wuhou temple
奉賀太保岐公承恩緻政 Feng he Assistant grand tutor Qi Kung To receive graces (from the emperor,etc.) To government
之任武陵,寒食日途次鬆滋渡,先寄劉員外禹錫 Of any Wuling tomb Cold food day tu ci songzi transition First sent Liu Ministry councillor Woo-Suk
奉寄辰州房使君郎中 Send it ChenZhou room Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china physician trained in herb medicine
立春後言懷招汴州李匡衙推 The beginning of spring Gossips behind one's back Huaizhaobianzhou Li kuang Yatui
奉送職方崔員外攝中丞新羅册使 Hand sb. sth. on a plate Cui staff Ministry councillor absorb An official's name Silla book to
求自試 Seeking self-test
花發上林 Flower hair Shanglin
還京樂歌詞 Beijing also music libretto
古詩 ancient style poetry




【資料來源】 271_35
