唐代 张籍 Zhang Ji  唐代   (768~830)
沒蕃故人 Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War
寄遠麯 Send distal convoluted
行路難 Passerby adversity
徵婦怨 Zheng women complain
白紵歌 Song Bai Zhu
野老歌(一作山農詞) Farmer Song of a word for hill farmers
寄衣麯 Send Yi Qu
送遠麯 Distal delivery
築城詞 Fortification words
猛虎行 Tiger Line
別離麯 Parting Song
牧童詞 Shepherd words
求仙行 Immortality in line
古釵嘆 Old Chai sigh
各東西 apiece affair
節婦吟,寄東平李司空師道 Virtuous woman Send Tung Ping Li Yin Minister of public works in ancient china Profession
宴客詞 Banquet words
永嘉行 Yongjia line
採蓮麯 Lotus song
傷歌行(元和中,楊憑貶臨賀尉) injure A style of old chinese poems The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty within Yang ping Bianlinheyu
吳宮怨 (surname) Palace blame
北邙行(一作白邙山) North mang line One for white Name of a hill Mountain
關山月 Watching the mountains
古詩 ancient style poetry



【資料來源】 386_61
