张山人弹琴 sheet Hermit to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument
白湖寺後溪宿云门 White Lake Temple Si 3 lodge for the night yun men
闲斋卧病(雨)行药至山馆稍次湖亭二首 Fast idle Be on one's back Rain-line drugs to Hill Hall lesser Lake pavilion 2
塞上曲 Song of the Frontier
仙谷遇毛女意知是秦宫人 Paradise Valley is a known case of Italian women Qin Mao court ladies
梦太白西峰 dream Vesper Xifeng
鄂渚招王昌龄张偾 Example e attract Wang changling Zhang ruin
晦日马镫曲稍次中流作 Misoka Stirrup Lesser curve Midstream work
古意 interest and charm of antique taste
宿五度溪仙人得道处 lodge for the night Fifth brook Celestial being Support a just cause to reside
春词 Spring term
高楼夜弹筝 Tower Night bomb Zheng
客有自燕而归哀其老而赠之 Passengers have since returned, Yan, Mourning the old and donated the
白龙窟泛舟寄天台学道者 White dragon hole Go boating Send a rooftop student of