唐代 张籍 Zhang Ji  唐代   (768~830)
Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War
Send distal convoluted
Passerby adversity
Zheng women complain
Song Bai Zhu
Farmer Song of a word for hill farmers
Send Yi Qu
Distal delivery
Fortification words
Tiger Line
Parting Song
Shepherd words
Immortality in line
Old Chai sigh
apiece affair
Virtuous woman Send Tung Ping Li Yin Minister of public works in ancient china Profession
Banquet words
Yongjia line
Lotus song
injure A style of old chinese poems The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty within Yang ping Bianlinheyu
(surname) Palace blame
North mang line One for white Name of a hill Mountain
Watching the mountains
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Immortality in line

   Zhang Ji

Han Wong want to make flying fairies, herbs every year in the East China Sea. Penglai pathless Sea,
Boat dead alchemist the phase pillow. Swagger back in the days of the day, Ganquan Yu Xian-free real tree.
Nine Emperors end real high, to the Palace Temple Tai-empty. Pubic region with gas condensate Su-hua,
Jun Xia able to protect the rose purple.

【Source】 卷382_13

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