唐代 祖咏 Zu Yong  唐代   (699~746)
Looking Toward an Inner Gate of the Great Wall
On Seeing the Snow-peak of Zhongnan
Interest and charm of antique taste 2
Duhuai River Send quell rebellions
return Ru grave Village give souvenir on parting Lu Xiang
Xiciputian Store
answer Wang wei stay
Send Liu Gaoyou Ruishirudou
King feast house
to look at Hua Yue
Su Shi villa
Guo Zheng Qu
Su CHEN Liu Li Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Premier Office
Question Korea Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Shui Ting
Public by the Taiwan question is far
In peak Home pleased to see Miao fa 1 for Li duan poem
Multiple poems at a time
An eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict pattern and rhyme scheme calm At first sentence rhyme

Looking Toward an Inner Gate of the Great Wall

   Zu Yong

My heart sank when I headed north from Yan Country
To the camps of China echoing ith bugle and drum.
...In an endless cold light of massive snow,
Tall flags on three borders rise up like a dawn.
War-torches invade the barbarian moonlight,
Mountain-clouds like chairmen bear the Great Wall from the sea.
...Though no youthful clerk meant to be a great general,
I throw aside my writing-brush –
Like the student who tossed off cap for a lariat,
I challenge what may come.

    Translator: Witter Bynner


【Source】 卷131_26

Created by: 戴玨
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