南宋 吴文英 Wu Wenying  南宋   (1212~1272)
Tang and more so reluctant to part company
Few play
Bashengganzhou G screen to accompany the gentlemen Tour Lingyan
Dalian university Spring Festival Gala recall with emotion
flower palpitation
Beijing also music
Xinyanguozhuang Building
Few play
Tang and more so
Tasha Hang
Yu louchun Beijing City dancer
Bashengganzhou Zero Yanpeiyumu pinch Tour
Lovers Near
3 Shu-Mei Guo Capital Old home Thoughts
High balcony Fung lok City Sub-yun If the word was
Autumn Thoughts Hawthorn for the Kuocang Mingshuqiufu the Machines Xiao Ge
Yan qing du two trees whose branches interlock or join together Chinese cherry apple
Dalian University
Cross the river goes the West Lake sober and calm
Suo cold window
Rui xian Lin Chung-Yu Jenny wren High transfer sth. gratis
瑞鹤仙 赠丝鞋庄生
Rui xian birthday history Yun Lu
Rui xian Mao-year-old Ting Fang Hui yanshi book
Multiple poems at a time
Merry son

Merry son Huang Chung-Commerce peony
风流子 黄锺商 芍药

   Wu Wenying

Jingu is empty dust, Xunfeng turn the country back to the spring color soul.
Interjection snow drunk half cream, low-luan dance wings, honey torch purple cage, green mapping Long basin.
Fit people Shuiqi embroidered window, silent silent clinical puzzle.
DW whole careless fall, complain when old age and poor haggard, cry the rain at dusk.
Light scratch shift Flower Market, Qiuniang crossing, flying splash wet line skirt.
Si Qiao north and south, Hong Luo recommended points.
Heart broken split read, Ying think one thousand branches, gifts will be quiet factor, steal cut heavy cloud.
Fung Chi go back until the end, turned red reminder Wing.
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