唐代 杜审言 Du Shenyan  唐代   (645~708)
On a Walk in the Early Spring Harmonizing a Poem By my Friend Lu Stationed at Changzhou
South sea scheme Rocks Hill for
Send and passion to
A fabled abode of immortals Dian Shi Yan 3 Feng chi Ode to the end Zhongnanshan write poem according to the emperor's order
Shi Yu Wang Chunting accept the emperor's order
Su Yutingshiyan write poem according to the emperor's order
Old night Cushion Archduchess Quartering Shi Yan write poem according to the emperor's order
Feng and The seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the cowherd and the weaver maid meet in heaven) Shi Yan Astrotech palace write poem according to the emperor's order
Great drink in company Yongchang the first year of a reign
Fu De concubine (usu
and Wei chengqing Guo Yi Yang Archduchess Hill Pond 5
autumn Dinner party Imjin Paul Homes in
And Kangwu Ting Chi Full moon Are pregnant
ascend Xiangyang City
Travel Apartments [Kofi] Annan
Spring Huai-go
On behalf of Zhang Shiyu injury swan
Get high Physician trained in herb medicine North to
Title of the military officer subter general Shanting
Summertime Guo Zheng seven hills fast
accompany Cui Rong
Follower of buddhism go around a place for resting,etc. Lan Chau
The double ninth festival (9th day of the 9th lunar month) Jiangyin Day Banquet
Watch night Are pregnant
Multiple poems at a time
An eight-line poem with five characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme narrow At first sentence rhyme

On a Walk in the Early Spring Harmonizing a Poem By my Friend Lu Stationed at Changzhou

   Du Shenyan

Only to wanderers can come
Ever new the shock of beauty,
Of white cloud and red cloud dawning from the sea,
Of spring in the wild-plum and river-willow....
I watch a yellow oriole dart in the warm air,
And a green water- plant reflected by the sun.
Suddenly an old song fills
My heart with home, my eyes with tears.

2) In Reply to Magistrate Lu's Poem: An Excursion in Early Spring
Tr. Ni Peiling

Only to officials away from home,
The shock of beauty ever new will come,
Of rising clouds at dawn above the sea,
Of Spring in river side plum and willow-tree.
Orioles are urged to sing in warm air,
And green-clad duckweed in the sun looks fair.
An old tune suddenly sung to my ears
Fills my heart with home and my eyes with tears.

    Translator: Witter Bynner


【Source】 卷62_11

Created by: 戴玨
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